One-shot: "Love in a Storm" //Kuroko//

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You were walking to your house after a long day spent working on Valentine's Day decorations for the dance at school. The February air felt cold against your skin, and you tried not to shiver as you shoved your gloved hands into your pockets.

You had always loved the winter weather, however it had been a hard day for you, and you weren't in the mood for dealing with hypothermia. Actually, it would be pretty weird if you were ever in the mood for dealing with hypothermia.

The sky was grey and covered by high clouds. You could feel tiny snowflakes falling to the ground as they landed on your rosy cheeks and melted. It almost made you feel happy, being alone for a minute.

You had been around people all day, and now was the perfect time for you to just relax and think about blank white snow. You would have loved to do that.

The only problem was that the snow that had already been on the ground was starting to seep into your boots, making your feet wet and cold.

You continued to drag your freezing feet through the snow, although it seemed like the weather had other plans than to let you go home. The snowflakes were starting to become bigger. The air started to get colder.

You lifted your boot out of the snow. 'Wait a minute...' You thought to yourself 'Where am I... going..?' You stopped walking and looked around to see where you were, but you couldn't. The world was just... Empty. There was nothing to be seen anywhere around you. Just a barren wasteland shielded by snow.

The thick snowflakes started to get caught in your eyelashes. Every time they fell onto your cheeks, it felt like they were pounding down with thorns. Your legs were starting to give out beneath you, and your vision started to blur at the edges.

You tried to keep your eyes open, but eventually, the snow weighed over them, and the world went black around you. You were numb. Completely numb. You couldn't feel your face, or your hands. It was as if you were in a trance, taken over by the cold. Your consciousness was lost in the blizzard.


You felt warm air around you. Your thoughts flooded through your mind again, and you inhaled the smell of chocolate and a sense of relief. You slowly opened your eyes. You were lying down on a couch in the middle of someone else's living room. There was a coffee table in front of you with a cup of hot chocolate on it, and in front of that, there was a small TV. It wasn't the biggest living room, but that wasn't the problem. The last thing you remembered was treading through the snow after setting up for the dance, but everything after that was blurry.

"Hello" You screamed and bolted up at the stranger's voice, and immediately stared at the man with blue hair in front of the couch. "Do you feel better?" he asked you.

"WH-WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!" You screamed at him. The man looked at you with a complete poker face, but you were freaking out.

"My name is Tetsuya Kuroko. I was here the whole time" He said in a completely monotone voice. You sat up straight to get a better view of the room and him.

"H-How did I get here?" You asked shyly. "We go to the same high school. I found you in the snow unconscious. Would you like some hot chocolate?" Kuroko said in a calm voice.. Now that you could see him better, you realized that he looked much less intimidating than you originally thought he did. He wasn't looking down at you threateningly. Kuroko gave you a soft gentle smile as he handed you the mug of hot chocolate.

You smiled back at him "Uhm... Thank you, you're very generous, you didn't have to do this" You took a sip of the hot chocolate. It was warm, but not too hot. As you sipped it, the scent of the hot chocolate wafted around you.

Kuroko brushed a lock of hair out of your face. "I'd like to help someone as nice as you as much as possible" Your mouth formed an 'o' shape as you tried to think of a response to what he had said, but he just patted you on the head and picked up a comforter on the other side of the couch you were on to cover your body. You were still shaking slightly from the cold that you had been in.

"I'll go get you something to eat. I'll be back in about ten minutes" Kuroko said as he patted you on the head. "O-Okay, thank you" was your only response. You realized that you were blushing probably blushing hard, and you sunk your face into the comforter as Kuroko left the room.


Kuroko came back to the room with a plate of cookies. You were huddled in the comforter on your phone checking your messages. You'd promised your best friend that you would message them when you got home. It had been two hours since then, and they sent you texts asking if you were okay or not.

"Here you go, (First Name)." Kuroko placed the plate on the coffee table in front of the couch, and you put down your phone. "Thank you Kuroko!" you said, smiling up at him. He simply smiled back at you and sat down on the couch next to you. You were hungry after what happened, so you quickly started popping the warm chocolate chip cookies into your mouth.

"You know... I should probably be getting home soon... My parents will wonder where I am" You said between bites. "You haven't called your parents?" Kuroko asked, tilting his head. He was so cute sometimes. Almost like a little puppy dog.

"E-Eh... No, I didn't... I thought they would think it was weird I was at a boy's house..." Nervous laughs escaped your voice and you turned the other way as your face began to heat up. Kuroko picked up a cookie and took a bite out of it "Okay then, we'll watch a movie before you go if that's okay with you" he reached for the remote and turned the TV on.

You picked up the phone to check what time it was at that moment. "Hmmm..." you bit your bottom lip while thinking "It's 4:00 right now... The movie would be done by about 5:30, but I don't know how I could get home... Could you maybe... drive me back, Kuroko-kun..?" You looked at him with pleading eyes. Its funny... you thought I've barely known this guy for a few hours but he feels so familiar and comforting...

Kuroko noded at you "That shouldn't be a problem as long as you can tell me your address. So shall we start the movie?" He looked at you while scrolling through the channels with the remote. "Mhm! Let's go!" You said cheerfully. Kuroko smiled a little at you, and then played the movie as the two of you started talking about school and your everyday lives.


You yawned and leaned into Kuroko's shoulder unconsciously. The movie was about halfway done when your eyes slowly started to feel heavy and you fell asleep. Kuroko noticed that you weren't concentrating on the movie and looked at you. He softly laughed to himself when he realized you were asleep. He moved his body so that you'd be more comfortable, and he put his arm around your sleeping body. Kuroko saw that you were smiling in your sleep, and he kissed you on your forehead gently so as not to wake you up. The night made him realize that he loved to be around you, and that he'd like to get to know you better. It had been a busy day for you, and you were definitely glad that Kuroko had found you. What started out as stress and disaster ended up being a relaxing yet interesting evening.  

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hEY-- okay so i haven't posted since like February lol and ik nobody's actually reading this bc nobody reads my books, but the reason i was gone was because i got really sick and then i got really sick again.. so yeah

but i think i'm better now, and i should be able to post more often now <3  

- Yuri 百合

⇎. . . C O N T A C T M E . . . ⇎

LINE: SaveHighDeres ◄

Kik: SaveHighDeres ◄


ily lilys ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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