Olivia Stone from Con Artist Legacy

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To check out more of the tough, tight-lipped Olivia Stone make sure to head over to Viviloana's Con Artist Legacy.

1. What’s your real, given name?

Olivia Stone.  Although now might be a good time to mention that my mom bribed the nurses, and my last name should really be Reynaldi.

2. What do you like to be called and why?

Two people call me Ollie, but they’ve earned that right. Everyone else calls me Stone, because it sounds tough…and that comes in handy.

3. How old are you?


4. How old do you act?

I act my age, and everyone around me should really start doing the same thing.

5. Birthday and Zodiac Sign

August 27th, but I don’t know the zodiac sign.

6. Does your Zodiac Sign describe you very well?

I’m not sure what it’s saying about me, but I doubt it’s right.

7. Describe your personality in five words

Creative, intelligent, curious, sarcastic, determined and a rule breaker. 

8. What is your ultimate goal at the moment?

The list is long, but finding my uncle’s murderer takes priority.

9. What’s stopping you from getting it?

The cops, they clearly don’t know how to do their job properly.

10. Are you single or taken or something else?

Single and I blame my mother.

11. Are you in love with anyone at the moment? What orientation is your character?

Not in love, and I’m not sure that it even exists. But I do like men…the problem is that they don’t tend to like me back.

12. How do you fall in love: instantly, over time or some other way?

Since it’s never happened, I think I’m gonna go with ‘some other way.’

13. Describe your ideal guy/girl.

All these questions concerning my ‘love life’ are really suspicious, and I refuse to answer any more.

14. Who is your closest friend? What are they like?

Nate. He was an awesome ‘partner in crime’ until he became a cop. Now he’s not that much fun.

15. Who is your worst enemy? Why?

Law enforcement, especially Sheriff Clark. Nate insists he isn’t out to get me, but I believe otherwise.

16. Are you a mommy or daddy’s boy/girl? Why?

Neither, I’ve never met my father and my mother’s insane (figuratively). Can I be a granddad’s girl?

17. What was/is your childhood like?

Splendid, but I can’t tell you more because it’s a secret.

18. What do you look like (in short)?

I’m girl with a face and stuff.

19. What is your best feature? (Physical)

My body (the only thing I can thank my mother for).

20. What is your worst feature? (Physical)

There isn’t one, but you’re excused for thinking otherwise since we’ve never met.

21. If you could change one thing about yourself, personality or physical, what would it be?

Nothing about me…but it would’ve been nice to be born into another family.

22. What is your strongest sense? (Hearing, seeing, tasting etc). How do you use this to your advantage?

Sight and hearing. I’m observant, and notice things that most people don’t (things most would prefer to keep hidden).

23. What are you the best at?

Reading people and investigating stuff…no secret is safe from me.

24. What are you usually noticed for?

My body, but the novelty wears off once I start to talk.

25. What do you usually get in trouble for (if at all)?

Breaking into places, or being somewhere I’m not supposed to be in.

26. Describe where you’re living right now.

My grandfather’s mansion…with my entire family. Don’t judge me.

27. Describe your life right now.

It’s a hot mess.

28. If you could be any animal what would you be?

A fox.

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