The story only I didn't know

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It had been half semester I was in my new school. Everything was settled finally, except I still found it difficult to follow some school rules since they were totally different from school. But the most problem was students who were in my grade. They had been looking at me with different eyes and even my Jess is asking me some crazy question.

Jess: Hannah, tell me the truth. You are not hanging out, right?

Me: Why did I ever lie to you? No.

Jess: Really? Then, why everyone is talking about that?

Me: Talking about what?

Jess: Alex. About Alex falling in love with you.

Me: It was impossible. How can it be?

Jess: Yeah.. but be careful.

(Suddenly teacher came in)

Tr: Everyone, since I have a meeting, I cannot teach your class today. You can have your self-study time or do anything you want.

(Tr. then left the class and everyone started to move around. Jess and I are also preparing to go to study in the school garden)

Me: Jess, I will go to bathroom first. Wait me at the usual place.

Jess: OK. don't take too long.


In the bathroom

Girl-1: Hey, is that true that Alex really love Hannah?

Girl-2: I don't think so.

Girl-3: I also don't think but Alex always come in front of our class just to see her.

Girl-1: Remember Alex once proudly said a girl he loves was wearing the same colour as him? At that time, Hannah was the only one who wore that colour on that day in our class.

Girl-2,3: Ah..

(They didn't notice I was also there. Since I didn't want them to know I heard everything, I put my earph. They tried to call me from behind. I heard them since the was no song playing on my ph)

On the way to garden, I suddenly remembered that day they just talked about. Kevin and Alex were in front of our class.

Kevin: Alex, you look delighted. because a lot girls are looking at us? I am sure they are looking at me.

Alex: no, my angel is wearing the same colour as mine today. 

(All the eyes were looking at me. I heard what Alex said, but I thought there was the other girl)


At the garden.

Me: Jess, what everyone gossiping about Alex is true?

Jess: Umm... everyone is talking that everyday seems like we can have a textbook if we collect every words they said.

Me: everyone?

Jess: Yes. even some teachers knew that.

Me: But I don't know. that's why people are acting strange towards me. Why din't you tell me earlier?

Jess: I tried to tell you but I didn't have a chance.

(Why was I the only one don't know about that? A story only i didn't know.....)

Me: anyway, let's just do study first.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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