The morning

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Abigale's pov

Yay it's my birthday tomorrow ugh we have to go to school tomorrow and it's my first day of high school

shit it's getting late night mum she yelled back night Hun ** sleeping** beep beep beep I wake up to here

my alarm clock a check the time 6.30 aargh why do I have to get up I roll over FUCK! I hit my head in

my bed side table I slowly get up off the ground and walk into the kitchen and start pouring my cereal and

notice a note saying " happy birthday baby Sorry I can't be there I got called in from work and you will

have to walk to school because I've got a late shift love you baby xxmumxx" I have to walk to school but

it's summer and like 40 degrees out side it's my birthday and I have to go to school let alone walk but first

things first I better have my cereal so I pour the milk into my bowl and check the time 7.00 I've got

an hour to get ready I quickly Finnish my cereal and run up stairs to have my shower I turn the shower

in feeling the cool soothing water running over my body then I realise u have to go to school so I

quickly wash and blow dry my hair get dressed pack my lunch and start walking I out my earphones in

And put the music up so loud I can't anything I'm bopping along to the music and I tripped over a crack in

Footpath shit my knees sting and I look down and their bleeding oh well and I look for my phone and

see it smashed in a million tiny little pieces great mums going to kill me I look back up and see a boy blond

Hair and blue eyes looking down at me and he offered me his hand to help me up so I took it I got up

and he asked are you alright your knees are bleeding yeah I'm fine he introduced him self by saying " hi I'm

Niall it's my first day in year 7 " cool nice to meet you I'm abigale and it's my first day in year 7 too

We keep walking and were just talking about what school we went to and stuff like that and then I realised

I like this boy who I met 15 minutes ago and I'm just starring at him and then we reach the school he went

one way and I went another way I looked around for them hey I found them then the bell went and

we were told to go to the sports centre and we all sat near our friends and they told us to go

in alphabetical order like all the 'a's over there all the 'b's over there ect and then they pointed to

teachers and told us to sit over there so we did.

Niall's pov

I met this girl on my way to school she was really pretty and I think I have a crush in her already and we

started talking and I noticed she was starring at me the whole time and then we finally got to school I

Walked one way and she walked the other and I went looking for them hey Niall we'll that must be them

Practically when I got there the bell went we were told to head to the sport centre so we did we were

told to sit in alphabetically so a b c and so on and then they called out our names and pointed to teachers

and my name got called out and went over to a teacher that looked like a mouse her name was

mrs Mckenzie and then I saw abigale yes she's in my class I sit down near her but not to close or she

will think I like witch I do so yeah then she moves closer to me and whispers in my ear thanks for

Helping me in the way to school I really appreciated it and in my mind I'm cheering she came to me not

me go to her whoop whoop ok I'll stop so I found out we have hsie and we have to be in a seating plan

in alphabetical order and her name is after mine so we have to sit next to each other but we don't

actually do any work we just get called out introduce ourselves and a few things about them selves and

Before I knew it the recess bell went.

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