Chapter 2 The corn field

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The pool was cold but after five minutes you would get used to it. I could see in the distance there was a corn field. It was looked amazing, there were tall stranded of corny goodness. We stayed in the pool for hours and hours but soon it got cold ,our arms and legs got covered in goose bumps and our teeth started to chatter like the wind up teeth. "It's time for bed."Exclaimed my mum who looked like she wanted to go to sleep too "the twins will sleep in the house with me and your dad because they only three. But you three Clara(my name was Clara),Ella and Josh will be sleeping in the tent."ordered my mum in a tiered voice. I put on my p.j's, brushed my teeth and made my way over to the tent. Slowly I fell asleep. The next morning I decided that I would ask about the corn field "Josh? I asked."what's that, It looks cool!"I exclaimed as if I didn't know already."well it's not cool, it's dangerous. Rumour has it that a young girl was paying in there one summers day and she never came back,maybe she died maybe she didn't?" He whispered. I walked away thinking about what Josh said. Soon I forgot about what Josh said and started to concentrate on my tummy it was wailing and hailing. "Is breakfast ready soon?" I moaned as my belly rumbled. "Yes it is it's already made."replied Olivia (who was Josh and Ella's mum). After breakfasts I asked if we could go in the corn field. Josh took a big sigh a said ok. I didn't need telling twice I put on my shoes,tied the laces and ran into the corn field. I felt my self fall.

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