ix. fear of heights

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I woke up to someone knocking lightly on my door. I ignore it. The knock comes again which makes me groan and roll over so that my back was facing the door.

"Leave me alone," I say into my pillow, but the person opens the door anyways and leans down over me. Who is this?

They move me over and slide into bed with me, wrapping their arms around me and lightly kissing the spot below my ear. I automatically recognize the cologne and a smile comes onto my face.

"Wake up, princess," his deep, sleepy voice whispers in my ear, his breath fanning my neck and part of my ear. Goosebumps were definitely there as I turned over to see him, his eyes a bright hazelish green color and that cute smile on his face. Why was he so damn handsome?

"I'm up now," I lean into him and breathe in the scent of his cologne. I may be in my own house, but at least I feel like I'm at home. I belong in his arms. It's literally the best feeling ever.

"I made you breakfast and decided to bring it over for you. I hope you like a little bit of everything because that's what I made," he grins, then kisses the top of my nose. So cheesy but so cute.

"Also," he says, starting to stand up. "I got you some flowers. I got daises and lavenders because well, they remind me of the month April...and your name is April..."

I can't help but laugh at his semi-pun and adorableness, which is something I never really had in my past relationship. He didn't want to do anything cute like that. Partying and drink and smoking marijuana is what his idea of "dates" were, and we were only one month into the relationship.

Ethan and I have been in a relationship for less that 24 hours and he's already proving himself to me. He kept his promise about making me the happiest girl alive.

"Aw, thank you," I take the flowers out of his hand as he hands them to me, fighting the urge to lunge into him and kiss the hell out of him. "You weren't kidding when you said that you'd make me the happiest girl in the world."

"Now that I look back at it, I sound cheesy as fuck and I apologize, but it's true. I honestly do want to make you happy and wanted even if your ex didn't," he says and makes eye contact with me.

I sit up in bed and reach my arms out.

"You want me to pick you up or hug you?" Ethan asks confused. I wave him closer, closing my eyes and waiting for him to lean in.


"Shhh!" I interrupt him. "Just come here." He does, I feel him leaning, and I wrap my arms around him before burying my head in his shoulder and hugging him. He breathes lightly in my hair, a grin at his lips.

"Is this a thank you or what?"

"Yeah. Think if it as me wondering how could I ever repay you for the times you've defended me and me thanking you for everything you've seriously done," my voice comes out muffled as I explain this to my boyfriend.

"You don't ever have to repay me. Speaking of, I hope you like heights because we are going to the theme park across town," he says, pulling away from our long hug.

Fear of heights. I totally despise heights sometimes, depending on my mood or how the day is or who I'm with. If he was talking roller coasters and ferris wheels, all that jazz, I wasn't so sure I'd like to go, especially if my food ended up in his lap and not in my stomach.

"Um...about that," I say hesitantly, getting up to go to my drawers and pick out clothes. "I have an actual fear for heights. I absolutely despise anything in that area for reasons. I'm not at all an adventurous person when it comes to that."

Ethan starts to frown a bit, which makes me turn away from him and busy myself by looking through my shirt drawer before checking the closet. Am I already not good enough? He hasn't said anything, so I turn around.

"I'm thinking," he says distantly as his eyes zone out on something on my bed. I purse my lips together and grab things for my shower.

"While you do that, I'm going to get my things ready for my shower and take one. Then I have to press my hair and do my makeup. So you have approximately three and a half hours to think," I say while pushing my hip into the drawer to shut in and make my way into the bathroom, setting out my toothbrush and toothpaste.

"What does press mean? Like flat iron or straighten it?" Ethan questions while standing at the door as I brush my teeth.

"It straightens my hair out to where it's just like yours because I have black girl hair, not white. So of course I have to take the harder route," I explain and spit the toothpaste out. "Which is fine with me. It's just I have to be careful not to burn my hair or skin. Or scalp."

I keep brushing before rinsing my mouth out and trying to close the door. Ethan stops it with his foot.

"Boy if you don't move yo' damn foot," I say quietly before laughing. He laughs with me too, using that weird face he makes. I laugh harder.

"No," he says.

"Yes, dammit."

"No hoe."

"Bitch," I slam the door in his face before hearing him laughing insanely from the other side of the door.

"You still love me!" he yells while the water is running.

"No I don't!" I say back while undressing out of my clothes and stepping into the warm water. Music starts to play, more than likely Drake from the beat.

"Are you trying to make me cry or get in my feels?" I question loudly over the water.

"Either one baby."

Why did that send tremendous chills down my back? Why did I feel so tingly by just the way he said that? Everything is slowly falling into place, and I can't be more excited for what our future holds. Maybe I should go ahead and fall for him. It'd make things ten times easier.

"Baby, I'm going to be back. I'm going to change into something else and bring you back something!" Ethan calls before exiting the room. I try to listen to see if he bad left, but I couldn't hear over the water.

when ur crush friend zones you for the second time in a row but flirts w you in class... lil bitch

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