•Huffleclaw: Charms Homework•

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Don't Let Me Down ~ Chainsmokers, Daya

•Key For This Chapter•
▪H/C: Hair Colour
▪Y/N: Your Name
▪E/C: Eye Colour

You tucked your (H/C) hair behind your ear as you leant over your charms homework. Professor Flitwick was giving a lot more homework as you approached your NEWTs, he was stressing how important they where.

The library was quiet, you lifted your head and looked around. Seeing it was just you and Madam Pince you realised that it was dinner time. You groaned inwardly, and began to collect up your stuff. Your boyfriend, Calvin Smith of Hufflepuff, had told you to try and eat regularly. You knew he would be watching out for you.

You rushed to the great hall, heading straight to the Ravenclaw table and sitting down. You helped yourself to some bangers and mash, serving yourself some gravy and carrots too. As you began to eat you didn't pay too much attention to the taste, going over your charms homework in your head. The girl you where sitting next to, Penelope nudged you and nodded to the Hufflepuff table where Calvin was sat. He was watching you, hints of worry written in the way he furrowed his eyebrows. You smiled slightly at him and finished your meal.

Once you had finished you got up and headed back to the library and of course, Calvin was hot on your heels. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, "Hello, (Y/N)." He said softly, causing your lips to curve into a slight smile.
"Hello Calvin" You replied equally as softly, turning around to face him. He released his arms from around you and studied your face properly.
"You look tired," he said gently, his thumb rested on your cheek bone and his blue eyes looked tenderly into your (E/C) eyes. "You should rest" He told you. You shook your head softly, "No, Calvin, I need to do Flitwicks homework" You said softly to him.
"I understand that" he responded softly, "But it's not due for a week, correct?" He inquired, already knowing the answer. You nodded slightly sheepishly, "But-" He cut you off.
"You need to rest, you look dead on your feet, it's bad for your health. Sleep" He told you, and you relented. He had made a good point, and you couldn't deny it.

And that was the first One Shot. What do you think? I've never done one before so I'm sincerely curious as to what you think.
If anyone's curious I have another story called Daughter Of Snow, which is a Percy Jackson×Avengers Story. I wouldn't say it's great but feel free to go and read it :)
All the best, Mia ✏

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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