Hostile Introductions

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When Lucifer went to the park the next day, Lucy did not greet him with the sameg enthusiasm as always. It had been a week since they had met, and their friendship had soon escalated.

"Hey!" Lucifer greeted her, smiling, holding behind his back a small surprise for her.

"Hi", she replied glumly, looking down. Lucifer cocked his head to a side, confused at her behavior. "Are you OK?"


He held his hand out to her. She looked at his outstretched hand and raised an eyebrow.

"I've got a surprise for you. Come on, lets go under those trees, we can talk there", and pulled her to her feet and dragged Lucy behind him. " Where are we going?"

"You'll see", And Lucifer brought her to a stop under a tree. " Close your eyes", and she obeyed. He quickly set everything up, and knelt down behind him and placed his hands on her eyes.

"Are you ready?" He asked her. She nodded, and he removed hisd hands. "Surprise!"

Lucifer had laid down a blanket under the shade of the tree, and it was practically loaded with plates of food.

Lucy's eyes widened to stretching point as she took in everything in front of her. There was an airtigt box filled with sandwiches, another with cookies and cupcakes. Standing in an icebox were two jugs filled with lemonade. "What is this?" She asked.

"Its a picnic".

"I...I...", Lucy trailed off as tears began to flow from her eyes. Lucifer panicked, not knowing what to do.

"Lucy, why are you crying? Did I do something wrong? No, please don't cry", he crouched down in front of her.

"You didn't do anything wrong", Lucy shook her head, wiping her eyes. "I'm happy. Nobody has ever done something like this for me".

"Well, let's not have you crying anymore. C'mon, all that food's waiting for you", and he dragged her to sit on the blanket. He loaded her a plate full of sandwiches and cookies, and motioned for her to dig in. Without hesitation she did so, and soon, between the two of them, they managed to finish everything.

"Was this your idea?" Lucy asked him as she sat sipping lemonade. "Kind of. Though I had some help...

Lucifer walked in the kitchen, sniffing the air hungrily. The rich aroma of chocolate cookies filled the air, as Mrs. Maggie baked.

" Hey, Mrs. Maggie! Sure smells good!" He called out, and sat on the kitchen counter. A wooden spoon smacked him on the back of his head. "Get of there, young man!" A woman in an apron scolded, waving a finger in his face.

"Oww! That hurt!" Lucifer whined, rubbing his head.

"It was meant to hurt. Don't act smart with me. You have a table with chairs, go sit there", she replied, pushing back a few stray gray hairs that escaped from her bun. She had been working in Lucifer's house from the past 8 years, and was his mother figure.

"So, tell me. How do know, show someone our appreciation?" He asked her, acting nonchalant. It had been bugging for sometime, and he couldn't ask Oliver, and risk being the butt of his jokes for the next one week. Or who knew, maybe longer.

" In what way Lucifer?" She asked him. "Don't tell me you have finally met a good girl, did you?" Her eyes widened in shock. It had been years since Lucifer ever saw or spoke about a woman. He had always been interested only in his work.

"It's not what you think", Lucifer raised his hands,stopping her from her thoughts. "She's just a small girl, somewhere around 4 years old. I met her at the park a week back", he explained to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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