Building Friendships

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The next day, Lucifer sat on the park bench, looking around for Lucy. A small part of him was scared that perhaps he had frightened her away, and that upset him. Her good mood had rubbed of on him.

"Mr. Lucy!! Mr. Lucy!! Hey, you came!" A voice shouted from his right, and he turned to see Lucy running to him. As she neared him, he saw she was clutching a hat on her head, smiling widely.

"Mr. Lucy?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow. The only person allowed to call him that was Oliver, that too very grudgingly. "Yes. We both have the same nickname, it's so cool, isn't it?"

Lucifer shook his head, smiling. She sat down next to him and showed him her hat. "It's nice, isn't it? I got it in Goodwill this morning. Momma said it suits my hair. Doesn't it?" She chattered.

"Yeah, it does", Lucifer nodded his head, wondering where exactly she lived. "Lucy, can I ask you something?" He asked her.

"Uh huh", she nodded her head. " Where do you live?"

Her face fell, and she played with her hat for sometime, making Lucifer uncomfortable. "You don't have to..." He started, but she she shook her head.

"It's OK. I live in the church basement, along with 20 others", she fiddled with her shirt now, and looked everywhere but at him. " I'm sorry I asked you that. I shouldn't have", Lucifer told her, but she shook her head.

"It's not that. It's just... You're my first friend. I don't want you to get disgusted by me and leave. That's why I'm making an effort to... You know", she shrugged. Warmth flooded his heart as he heard her say that. He took her hand in his and looked her in the eye.

" Even you're my first friend, Lucy. I really haven't had any real friends till now. I want you to be truthful with me, don't pretend around me. Trust me, I won't mind from where you come or how you live", Lucifer told her, watching her eyes widen.

"You won't?" She asked him, and he shook his head. "Nuh huh".

"That's great! Thank you so much", she squealed. Lucifer patted her hair, smiling.

"Hey, guess why was I late today? There is this old lady living with us. Her name is Adele. She's really, really old, and she needs a stick to walk. Today, while coming from the washroom, she suddenly slipped on a puddle and fell down. She hurt herself really badly."

"Ooh. Was she alright?" Lucifer asked her.

"I don't know. It took Momma and two more people to lift her and lay her on her bed. And guess what I did?" She inquired from him.

"I don't know. You tell me", Lucifer humored her.

"I carried her stick for her, which fell down with her! When I gave it to her, she tweaked my cheek and called me a good young lady! Will you believe it? I am a lady!" Lucy literally jumped up and down in excitement. Lucifer couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" She scowled at him, thinking he was making fun of her. "I... Nothing. I'm OK", he gasped.

"If you make fun of me, I'm going. Bye", she sniffed and got up to leave.

"No, no! Wait", Lucifer caught he hand. "I wasn't laughing at you. I swear. I was laughing at how Adele fell down", Lucifer reasoned lamely, not wanting her to leave. She glared at him.

"Its rude to laugh at someone who's hurt themself", she said.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry".

That seemed to calm her down and she sat next to him, and continued her chatter.

Soon, by the time she went, Lucifer knew all about young Betty, who was only 20 and had a small baby which fell sick often, the one eyed man who lost his job and often shared his milk with Lucy and all the other residents of the church basement where she lived.

He also learnt more about Lucy's life, and how sometimes, to give elderly people cost to sleep, her mother and she often settled on the floor, which was too hard and cold to sleep on, but she refrained from complaining, because she knew God would reward her for helping the old.

Lucy was an adamant believer in God, and that one day, he would make things all right for her. Lucifer being an atheist, didn't really understand how staunch her faith could be, but didn't argue. Once she grew up she would realise there was no such thing as God and His Grace.


"Dude, what the hell are you smiling about like an idiot?" Oliver's voice broke through Lucifer's thoughts. He had been busy the entire morning at his office, and now that he had some free time, he couldn't stop thinking about Lucy and her stories.

"What do you think? Why am I laughing about?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow at him.

"I don't care. But tell me, did you find a designer for this new clothes line you plan on launching? You need to hurry up if you want to get it ready in time for summer. Its already the end of October", Oliver lectured.

Lucifer sighed and rested his face in his hands. His life had been very hectic ever since his company had expanded. Once a plan settled, there was the rise of another.

The only time he was free and without any tensions was when he was with Lucy. A smile made way on his face again at hr thoughts.

"Hmm, let me see... Wait! You got a girl, did you?" Oliver cried.

"Uh huh", Lucifer nodded his head.

"Thats great! It's been ages, dude. I almost thought you changed your sexuality".

"Nope, my sexuality is still the same", Lucifer rested his feet on his desk and folded his hands behind his head.

"How does she look?" Oliver moved forward in interest. Lucifer decided to humour him more.

"Well, she's really cute, mind you. She's got these huge, innocent looking gray eyes and smooth brown hair. She's so small, I could pick her up and toss her in the air without any effort".

"Really? You slept with her?" Oliver asked further. "Nope, not yet. But I'm sure she's great at cuddling", Lucifer winked at his friend.

"How old is she exactly?"

"Umm... Somewhere around 4?" Lucifer smiled as Oliver's mouth fell open.

"4? A freaking 4 year old dude! You could get busted for underage rape!" Oliver busted out after a minute.

Lucifer liked at his watch and got up. "I've gotta go. She's probably waiting for me", and sauntered out of the office.

"If you go to jail, do I get your company?" Oliver called out after him. Lucifer just chuckled and flipped him the bird behind his back.


So people, here I am,back with another chapter. Well, you all know the drill,

Vote and comment.

Love and huge hugs,


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