Chapter 4: Meeting the Pervert

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So for this chapter, I'm not really that keen on rewatching the episode ten times to get the correct dialogue. If there's something majorly off, tell me and I'll try to fix it. Also, I'm currently pretty sick and writing this on my phone so there's bound to be quite a few mistakes.


After a few hours of food, rest, and chitchat we were all over the earlier...problems. I learned about others' pasts, specifically Yona's.

Oh, and we were somewhere that wasn't a forest.

Or a dusty little road.


We were finally, finally, finally(!) in a town with humans.

Don't get me wrong. I still hold a grudge against most uneducated humans, but the simple smell of their food was enough to make me want to bow down. When Sei and I were living back in the cave, I could always catch the smell of the people cooking, and sometimes, if I stood close enough, I could peer into a small alcove and see them with smiles. I always wondered that, if Sei and I hadn't actually went up to that army (to PROTECT those stupid villagers), would he and I get to take part in society? Not by a lot, but by a bit. To the point where we'd be able to eat some of their cooked foods and not the scraps they would sometimes throw down. Where we'd be allowed to sit near the sunspots and not have become the pale ghosts that we are today. Those are just a few questions that sometimes wander around in my head.

"Yona," I called, hands clenching in order to restrain myself from running down into the town and ransacking it of all their food. "Can we eat some? Can we please eat some?"

I had only seen her back, so I didn't know about her equally hopeful expression when she turned to Hak and asked, "Yeah, Hak! Can we eat some? Please!"

He merely glanced down at the two of us, a look of slight indifference settling in on his dark eyes. The others around us seemed mostly unaffected, as well. "Sure."

With that simple, single one-word answer the two of us flew down the hill. She grabbed my hand, and I couldn't help but return the grin that she gave me. "Princess Yona, let's get some food!"


After completely stuffing ourselves with food, I placed a small bag on the table and the two of us left the diner. The pouch had a few coins, most likely not enough to actually pay for the quantities of food that we ate, but I also made sure to add a note that we'd pay it back some day. Once the Princess' case becomes heard and the current king is dethroned, I'm positive that I'll be able to pay the kind people at the diner back.

At least, I hope that I will.

Anyways, Yona and I started walking through town together, chatting about random things that had no real meaning. Things like the weather, and how tired we were after all the walking, and how awkward Gija was. It was quite endearing, I'd say, being able to talk to another person so freely, without really having to worry that they'd stab me in the back -- both literally and figuratively.

When we finally came across familiar faces, it was Hak. He was with a green-haired male, who, upon seeing the red-haired girl beside me, immediately ran.

"That stupid-," I began, before closing my mouth. "Princess, I'm going to see what his deal is! Ignore me, please!" I through her a goofy smile, closed one eye in a good wink, and gave her the 'victory' sign with my fingers.

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