Chapter Thirty Five - The End

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It's finally time. We're going to finally take down the BLI.

We're all gearing up for the fight. I'm gathering all of my equipment; bombs, my 2 ray guns, A couple of sedatives, and my knife. My mask is pulled over my eyes already. I pull my bandana over my nose and tighten it around my head below my ponytail.

All of us have on our bandanas for the bombs. We have to destroy the headquarters, and kill everyone in there. It'll just be Frank, Gerard, Ray, Mikey and I. Grace can't come. Nor Holly or Liz. It's a us thing. We are the ones who need to do this.

We all walk into the living room. Holly, Liz and Grace gives the 5 of us hugs. I wave to them and walk out of the hideout after Mikey. We get into the Trans Am and drive off into the night, on our way to Battery City. Gerard's the one driving. Mikey's next to him. Then it's Ray, Frank and I. I look out the window at the desert. Then once we get to the city limits, the lights.

I look down at my belt of deadly equipment. I sigh, knowing I'll kill Shelby in there. I know she hasn't gotten out of there yet. But I can't get in trouble for it. It was her fault getting in the way in the first place. She didn't even help us with her information.

We reach the tunnel. I see the 2 guards ahead, and the gate that's closed. "Gerard, the gate-" I start off.

"I know." He says. He steps on the gas and blasts through the gate. Ray and I hang out the window and shoot the 2 guards. Once they're dead, we get back in the car and reload our ray guns just in case.

We finally reach the headquarters. We get out and walk to the place. No guards. Gerard shoots the door and walks inside. Our plan is to shoot up the upper levels, and blast the lower 2. So first, the 4th floor.

We run up the stairs and get ready. "There are 2 people to a room." I whisper.

We nod and split into teams. Me and Frank in one team and Mikey, Gerard and Ray in another. Frank and I take the left side. We walk to the first door and shoot the lock. We cautiously open the door. I turn on the light on my ray gun and shine it on the first person. Frank turns his on and shines it on the 2nd. We walk to them and shoot them in the head twice. I check their pulses. Dead.

We repeatedly do this for the whole entire floor. We move to the 3rd floor and repeat. Frank and I meet up with the others and go to the first part of the 2nd floor. All of my grenades are remote grenades. I set them in different places. We move to the first floor and repeat.

Now, we head to Korse's room. He's in his clear cylinder, sleeping I guess. Gerard and I walk up to him and stare at his body.

"We're finally gonna kill him." Gerard says.

"After all of the shit he's done to our world. This is it." I look at Gerard.

We all agreed that it would be the 2 of us to do this. I place my hand over the red button. Gerard sets his hand steadily on top of mine.

"On 3. 1... 2... 3!" I count down. We push down on the button and see the cylinder open. Korse awakens and sees Gerard and I.

"Well well, look who we have here." He says.

"Korse, the end has come." Wow Adren. How cheesy can you get?

"Oh really? How do you think so?"

"We stole the file that holds the BLI's biggest secret," Gerard explains. "And now we now how to end you."

"Is it that easy?" Korse smiles that evil smile and tilts his head.

I hold up the remote. "One click, and the whole 2nd floor is gone. Then gravity will work and this floor will be dead."

Korse laughs. Gerard and I shoot at him until he falls down. We run out of there and place the bombs on walls. We start running to the door when we hear an alarm. I freeze and Gerard whips around to look at me. "I thought we-"

"We did though!" I yell.

I hear footsteps. The 5 of us look around and see Dracs ready to kill us. I search for a grenade, and realize I used them all. Also, my 2nd ray gun is gone. Damn.

"Well, Mikey. Guys. This is it." I mutter.

I pull out my ray gun and start shooting. That starts it all. Lasers from ray guns are everywhere. Once we shoot, it seems like they multiply. I duck and dodge the lasers. I back up and feel a back against mine.

"It's just me, baby." Mikey's voice says over the shots.

We shoot furiously at the Dracs. "Mikey, we won't make it." I say.

"Don't say that, Adren!"

A tear escapes my eye. "I love you."

"I love you too."

We push apart and trade places. I shoot all around, careful not to shoot the guys. In the corner of my eye, I see Korse. He pushes Gerard against the wall and sets the gun under his chin. I run towards them, yelling 'no' all the way there. Korse smiles evily at me and shoots Gerard.

I feel like my heart stopped beating.

He slides to the ground, dead. I look at Korse with tears in my eyes and lunge at him. With all of my force I push him to the ground, pounding the shit out of him. "You bastard! You killed him! Die!" I yell at him.

A Drac pulls me off him and makes me watch Ray, Mikey and Frank shoot I struggle to get free but he doesn't budge. I see Frank get shot in the hand, then shot all together. I yell and more tears spring to my eyes.

Ray looks at Mikey, and Mikey looks at Ray. Mikey starts running towards me as Ray heads for the door. They shoot down Ray when he gets to the Trans Am. I'm kicking now, tears streaming down my eyes.

When Mikey gets 5 feet away from me, Korse shoots him 4 times. Now, I know for a fact my heart has stopped. I stopped struggling and stand there. Mikey falls to the ground. A high pitched scream escapes my lips, and the tears just keep coming.

"I hate you! I hate you! That was Mikey! My husband! Damn you! Go to hell!" I yell at Korse.

The Drac lets me go. I shoot the Drac and push Korse at the wall. I look down at Gerard and cry. I'm just too weak to do this. I fall to my knees and crawl to Mikey. He's still breathing a little. I pick up his head in my hands and see him open his eyes just a little bit.

"I love you, Adren. I'm sorry I failed." He says.

I shake my head and kiss him. And that kiss, the one he tried so hard to move his lips to, was the last kiss I received from him. I lay his head down and cry. Korse walks over to me and puts the gun to my head.

"Do it. Please." I murmur.

I hear the trigger pull, and I fall over. Everything goes blurry, and I slip away into death.

But the thing is, Killjoys Never Die.

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