Vampires, Blood, Sex and Booze {A Vampire Love Story: Chapter 3}

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Somehow I got thorough the day, but the whole time I was thinking about Xander, the vampire. All I had been doing was walking down a trail across the back side of town, walking in the rain, and enjoying it actually. The rain made me feel alive, unlike the sun. The way I see it, the sun cooks nature and burns it, seeing as the fact that it's made of fire. But the rain replishes nature, and it clenses life. Sure, sometimes it can be cold, but don't all things have a cold side? That's just some Bailey logic for you. Anyway, I was just walking in the rain singing to myself, when out of nowhere, I'm attacked and he bites me. why me? Why not some other girl who is actually pretty? I mean, I think that I'm okay, but not really pretty. And who goes after the gothic girl with shit brown eyes? Why didn't he go the mall or something and lure away a cute little blonde chick with clothes that are actually designed in the twenty first century?

I didn't have these answers, but that doesn't mean I didn't stop thinking. I thought about everything I knew about vampires. Their weaknesses: garlic, crosses, wood, and the sun. Strengths: Night, blood, and, uh... sex? But I had seen Xander out in the sun this morning, and I had a crosses on my bracelet and he didn't seem effected by that. Maybe all the stories about vampires aren't true.

The last bell rang and I hurried to my locker. Shoving my books in, I slammed the metal door shut and was going to begin my walk home when I heard someone call my name.

"Bailey!" I turned around and one of the school's nerds were running towards me, a little pink slip in their hand. "There's a note in the office for you!"

I looked at him, then took the little pink slip and the nerd raced off. A note? I looked at the slip. It was marked note and package. Who would have called the school to leave me a note, much less a package? Nobody ever did anything for me. And I'm not just having a little pitty party either. Really. My mom was a dingy little old lady who smoked crack all the time and worked a part time job at KFC. My stepdad, when he wasn't drunk and trying to buy a whore, was never home to do anything about me. And my dad...

I cut off that thought immediately. I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry. I repeated those words to myself over and over again all the way to the office.

The office was busy with end of the day rushings, and I stepped in, not feeling out of place one bit. I had visited the office many times, and it wasn't because I was being given a goody goody award. More often that not, I was in trouble. Usually because someone was making fun of me or my clothes, how I acted or how I stood out. I really didn't care what they thought. It was just that usually I came back at their comment with a burn that made them angry, and we usually ended up in the prinicpal's office after a fight.

"Hello, Bailey." The secretary said with a smile. "Don't you get in enough trouble during school? Or are you so bad that you need to start staying after to serve your punishments?"

I smiled. "God knows how many hours I've spent here after school during detention." All the secretaries liked me, even though I was in trouble a lot. I had "character" they said. "But no," I told her. "I have a slip here that says I have a package." I handed her the slip and she looked at it, and then her eyes widened.

"So you are who that's for." She said.

"What what's for?" I asked.

"Your little... big... gift." She stood up. And handed me a piece of paper that said OFFICE NOTE FOR STUDENT in big professional letters at the top. The actuall note was in a messy scrawl that I made out easily from reading her hand writing so many times. It said:

To: Bailey Hinshaw


The from spot was blank, and that confused me. But I kept on reading.

Note: Here it is. Brought it back for you. Hope you like it.

That was all it said. I re-read it, hoping it would reveal some secret words, but nothing came to mind.

"Are you coming, Bailey?" The secretary was standing at the door waiting for me.

"What's the package?" I asked, pointing to the note in my hand.

"I'm going to show you." She started walking. "Come on, it's outside."

I followed her, curious about where we were going? What could it be? Then I saw a familiar car. It was Xander's Camaro. Oh no, what is he doing here? Please tell me he isn't going to get out of his car and talk to me. Please, please, please, please, please...

But he didn't get out of the car. I looked into the windshield and saw that there was nobody even in the car. As we passed by it, I realized that it was also unlocked and the keys were sitting in the ignition. Xander was so -

I hit the secretary lady. "Sorry." I murmured. She didn't keep walking so I looked at her face. She was smiling widely and I was confused. "Wha-"

"This is it." Mrs. Secretary gestured to the car.

I froze in shock. "You're kidding."

"Nope." Mrs. Secretary hugged me. "Congrats. Have fun." Then she walked back inside the school.

I didn't know what to do. I stood there for a while just looking at it. Then I closed my eyes and held them shut for a few seconds, then opened them. Nope, still there. Ovbiously this is Xander's car and this is not a mistake. I guess there is only one thing left to do.

I walked around to the driver's side of the car and got in. I sank down on the seat, smiling like an idiot. I placed my hand on the key in the ignition, and turned it slightly. With a quiet growl the car rumbled to life and purred beneath my hands. I wanted to cry. I did cry. Most people would sit there telling me off because I was acting totally crazy - smiling like an idiot, crying like there was no tomorrow, and laughing like I had just seen the funniest thing, all at the same time - and they'd be all, 'it's only a car.' But let me tell you three words: I. Don't. Care. It's not just a car to me, it's a dream. And it was mine.

I started to put it into drive when my eyes flashed over the the passenger's seat and I saw a white envelope in it. I leaned over and picked it up, opening it to find a piece of paper inside. It said:

Hey, Bailey. This car is all yours. Think of it as an early birthday present. Hope you like it. Shit, I don't have to hope. I know you will. Enjoy.


I set the note back down and smiled. Xander really did care about me. I knew that. Even if he had kidnapped me and was using me as a meal and I had only met him this morning. He gave me a car that I didn't ask for. He bought me breakfast that I didn't need. He saved me from a lot of trouble at school and from my mom. For while my mom was a druggie and didn't care about what I did at home, school was another matter. She had been called into the office too many times to let me slide for skipping half a day. But anyway, I know that Xander really cares about me.

And I'm going to pay for it.

In blood.

Comment, Rate it, whatever. I'll probably end up finsihing this story no matter what, but if I make another one is up to you guys. I'm working on one that I'm not sure if I want to post it, but it's about a girl who is the child of a fallen angel. I thinking I'm going to call it "Wanted Dead or Alive" Since she's actually dead... but alive. So yeah. email me if you want to talk you me at Thanks!

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