This Is What I Wanted (Sequel to Is This Really What You Want?)

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~Brendon's POV~

"Dal, I don't know if you can hear me, but I want you to know that I love you a lot and I know you'll get through this. Ryan came to visit the other day and he said that he knows you're strong too and you'll pull through. He was actually right and I've been happier since then. I think I needed someone to tell me that. I had honestly lost all hope after you hadn't woken up for two months, but now I know you will. You have to. The people you love are waiting, Dal. They miss you, I miss you. We all care so much about you and we love you a lot. You're like our brother and we miss you. A family isn't complete when someone you love isn't there to make it whole again. From this day on, I'm not leaving your side, baby. I want to be here when you wake up. I want to be the first one to see your beautiful face. I know that's a little selfish, but I just love you so much and I can't wait to hold you in my arms again.

Oh, and Breezy and Amelie are doing pretty good. They miss you a ton, but I think they also know that you'll pull through, it'll just take time, and Dallon, take all the time you need. You deserve it. You're worth the wait. You're worth everything. You're the first one I loved and you'll be the last. Dallon, you are my soulmate, and even though we can't legally be together here, I just want you to know that. You'll always be the one for me. Dallon, I love you," I said.

I looked away for a minute and when I looked back, Dallon was looking at me.

"Bren?" he asked.

"D-Dallon?" I asked. "You're awake!"

"Y-Yeah," he said as he chuckled.

"What? How? I mean... You're awake," I said again.

"I'll give you a minute," he said.

"I can't believe it," I said as I smiled and cried a little.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Dallon asked.

"I'm just so happy. You're finally awake and here and just.. Wow," I said.

"I've actually felt as though I've been awake for a while now, it's just like I couldn't actually wake up until the right moment and I feel like this was it," he said. "I've been listening to all of you talking and whatnot."

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was weird," he said.

"But all that matters is you're awake," I said. "You're actually awake!"

"Still in shock?" he asked.

"Hell yeah," I said. "Am I dreaming?"

"No, Brendon, you're not," he said as he smiled.

"Can I hug you?" I asked.

Dallon sat up and smiled and stretched his arms open wide. I smiled and gave him a tight hug, refusing to let go. My soulmate was awake and he was actually talking to me. He was actually here right now as we speak. This seems like a dream, but I'm glad it's not.

"Hey Brendon," someone said as they walked in. "Do you wa- DALLON?!"

Dallon and I broke our hug and laughed. I sat back down and Dallon sat back on the bed.

"The one and only," Dallon said.

"But you were just- and you were- and how?" Pete asked.

"He claims that he's been aware of his surroundings for a while now, but was waiting for the right moment to actually wake up. Apparenly I was the lucky one," I said as I smiled.

"Dallon!" Pete shouted again and he hugged him. "This is amazing! I'm so happy!"

"I am too, trust me," Dallon said as he laughed. "I missed all of you so much."

"I'm going to go and tell the nurses that you're awake. You two can talk," I said as I smiled and got up.

"Bren, one thing first," Dallon said.

"And what's that?" I asked as I stopped walking.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I said as I smiled the biggest smile.

I walked out of the room and I swear I had little butterflies flying around in my stomach. I hadn't been able to hear Dal say those three beautiful words in so, so long. Now that he said it, I was about to explode from happiness.

This Is What I Wanted (Sequel to Is This Really What You Want?) *Not being updated anymore*Where stories live. Discover now