Rain Drops and Coffee Shops.

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Leo's POV

This was turning out to be the worst day ever. First, I oversleep, making me late for an important University meeting. Then, I arrive to find that it had been cancelled anyway and if that wasn't enough it had started to rain heavily.

I ran as fast as I could to somewhere warm. My studio apartment was way across town and there was no way I'd get home in this weather.

I turned a corner on a not-so busy street and spotted a small coffee shop by the name of 'Early Mornings'. I had never heard of a place like this and walked inside.

I took off my wet jacket and walked up to the counter top. A man walked up to me and spoke, "Hey pal. What can I get ya?"
"Well," I read his name tag, "Brandon, I'll have a latte with an extra shot of espresso."

He walked a few feet and began to make it continuing a conversation with me, "We don't get many customers around here. We have our regulars and one offs but never a massive crowd."
"Well, this is a nice place, I'll hand it to you. Who are your regulars,"
"Umm...Brittney, Terrence,  oh and Thomas. He practically lives here."

He pointed over to the corner by the window and there sat a small boy, around my age with a laptop and what appeared to be a hot chocolate. Brandon placed my drink down on the counter and I put three bucks down on the table, "Keep the change," I muttered and took my drink before walking over to the boy.

"Hey," I said with a smile, "Do you mind if I sit here? It feels weird being alone in a big room,"
The boy looked up at me with big blue eyes, "Not at all," he grinned.
I sat down across from him, "Thanks. I'm Kevin but I go by Leo."
"Thomas. It's nice to meet you Leo. I didn't think many people came to this coffee shop,"
"I didn't know this place existed. I was trying to get out of the rain."
Thomas glanced outside, "It was raining? How did I not notice? Oh well," he turned back to face me, "So Mr Lion how is your life?"
I smiled at the name, "It's pretty good. University is great, ballet is great, Internet is great. It's all good."
"You do ballet? That's so cool! I do theatre." He smiled widely.
"You'd have to show me your acting and singing sometime." I rested my chin on my hand and drank some of my latte.
"You'd have to show me your dancing sometime." He smiled and looked at his watch, "Well my break's almost over."
"That's unlucky." I said.

The blue eyed boy took his napkin from under his hot chocolate mug and wrote his number with Thomas :) written on it. He packed away his laptop and put his bag on his back, "Talk to you later, Leo."
I smiled, "Right back at you Thomas."

He left the shop and ran down the street. I sighed and looked down at the napkin. I then noticed a small note in the bottom right corner; you have a cute smile btw ;). I couldn't resist a grin and I bit my bottom lip. Grabbing my phone, I clicked add contact. I typed Thomas before erasing it and typing in Tomcat instead. I added a blue heart at the end and put my phone in my pocket. Looking out the window, I saw the last few raindrops fall. Sighing contently, I finished my latte, before slipping my jacket on and walking outside. Maybe this wasn't the worst day

615 words. Not bad for my first Sandgiant oneshot. Suggestions are encouraged. Hope you enjoyed
~ Blaze

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