Broken Ice

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Broken Ice

Sam pressed his foot down on the pedal as hard as he could. He was already late for the dinner he had been planning with his mates but on top of that the man at the gas station had warned him about an incoming snow storm. Sam just let out a sigh of annoyance and left the station with his car keys in hand.

Snow began to fall gracefully from the sky as Sam sped around the corner. Sam gritted his teeth as the snowflakes began to fall down faster and in larger chunks. His sight became limited as the snow blurred most of the road in front of him. Sam flicked his lights on in a futile attempt of increasing his vision. A deep growl escaped his mouth as he tried desperately to not end up flinging himself off the now pure white road. It had only been a couple of minutes but the snow was already several inches deep.

Sam began to relax as the curvy road straightened itself out. Well, so he had thought. The car became faster and faster as Sam sped further down the road. The corner emerged from the white sheet like a tiger from the bushes. Sam slammed his foot down on the brake with all his might trying not to crash into the side of the snowy cliff. The car screeched as the wheels clung hopelessly to the icy tarmac.

The side of the car slammed into the rocky cliff that loomed over the road. Sam looked over to his left to see the side of his car had almost been completely destroyed and black smoke was emitting from his bonnet which wasn't a good sign.

Sighing, Sam opened the glove compartment and brought out his phone and a map. He stuffed them into his trouser pockets. He then reached behind him and grabbed his woolen hat, gloves, and coat. He quickly shoved the warm clothing on and stepped out of the cozy car. The cold air hit him like a truck, nibbling at Sam's pale face causing his artic blue eyes to water.

"The cabin is only about 2 miles away. You can make it." He reassured himself, making his way along the road.

He began to distract himself with the thought of the warm fire and luscious food. He spent thousands of pounds on that house and he wasn't going to just let it go to waste. No, he was going to stay in it as much as he could and when he wasn't staying in it, well, he was going to rent it out to people as an affordable holiday house. Who wouldn't want to stay in the cabin? The views are amazing, it's only a few miles away from Healy, and the house is incredibly warm and has this welcoming feeling to it. The house would probably make a hefty amount of money within the first year but it would also need to be checked over to make sure it was safe to put up for rent but that didn't put him off, he had the whole thing planned out. He had also thought about moving into it when he retires in his old age but he wasn't sure about how he would cope with cold though. He could barely stand it now.

After a long 20 minutes Sam finally made it to the top of the hill. He brought out his map and a opened it up. His body was felt like it was inside an oven while his face felt like it was being pressed against a freezer. The sweat clung to his arms and legs as he puffed out smoke like air into the sky. It was the most exercise he had done in weeks. Looking down at the thin map he drew out an imaginary line across the map with his gloved hand.

"If I walk down the hill and go across this field I should be able to get to the cabin in no time." He said aloud to himself. He slid the map back into his pocket and continued walking along the road.

The snow began to become more gentle and somewhat elegant. Sam looked up at the pale grey sky and smiled to himself. It wasn't very often that he got to be outside in the open air. He was normally stuck in an office for hours on end. Not that he hated being stuck indoors. He was never really an outdoor kinda guy but something about this moment made him feel content about everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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