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Guys thank you so much for 4k and 250+ votes on this book. I am so grateful and I love you all! <3

I'm running out of ideas to write so if you have any send them in, thanks guys

Warnings: Swearing

Harry's POV

I sighed seeing Simon smiling at his phone; texting Josh most likely. I really wish I had spoken up and told Simon how I felt about him... maybe we'd be making out right now. "So you guys want pizza?" Freezy asked everyone. "Yeah" the room filled with so Freezy went to order. I sat on the sofa next to Ethan glaring at Simon. "Hey bog" Ethan said smiling at me. I looked to him, "Hey man" I said. "You alright, you seem out of it?" Ethan asked me. I gulped, "Nah, I'm good" I said nodding. I looked over to Simon to see him looking at his hip. That's when I felt my heart stop... a huge purple hickey lay there; he belongs to Josh and no-one else. Jealousy... I fucking hate it. "I'll be right back" I grumbled then left to go to my room. 

I shut the door then sat on my bed with my head in my hand. I hit my head as a headache started to come on. I got up and went up to my window. I rested my head against the window looking over the view. I heard a faint knock then my door opened, "Harry?" I turned seeing Simon. "What?" I asked. "I saw you left, why?" he asked coming in my room. "I... I have a headache" I said biting the inside of my cheek. "Oh do you want me to get you some paracetamol?" Simon asked; he is so caring it hurts me. "No, I'll be alright Si" I said smiling slightly. "Okay then" he said then turned to leave. "Simon wait..." I said pulling him back. "What's up?" he asked. I gulped, "I'm just going to come out with it... t-to get it off my chest" I said giving in. "Okay... wh-what is it?" Simon asked. I sighed, "I... I like you Simon..." I mumbled looking down. Simon giggled slightly, "I like you too, we're friends" he said; he doesn't get it... why? "No not that like, like as in 'I have a crush on you' like" I said looking up into his eyes. "Bu- but Harry you can't... I'm with Josh" Simon said sounding sorry. "I know I can't but... you can't help your feelings. I'm sorry Simon but you needed to know" I said. Simon bit his lip looking anywhere but at me. "Well... thanks for telling me but know that we can never be a thing... not when I am with someone" Simon explained. "I-I know Simon.... I'm sorry. I don't want to get in between what you and Josh have" I said feeling the tears starting to form. "It's fine. I am grateful for that Harry, thank you. You are a good friend and I can't afford to lose you" Simon said holding my shoulders. "I don't want to lose you either... that's why I never told you about my feelings. I'm a fucking mess" I sobbed. Simon pulled me in for a hug, "No you're not Harry" Simon whispered. I held him tight as I cried. Simon looked down at me, "You are strong so you'll be fine" he said and I nodded. "Come back in when you're ready" Simon said smiling at me before leaving. I sighed and went into my bathroom. I splashed my face with water then went back into the others. 

Josh's POV

I had done my editing and uploaded to both channels. I sighed falling down onto my bed. I was about to fall asleep when I heard Simon. "JOOOOOOOSSSHHHHH!" He called then he entered my room. I groaned, "Hey baby" I said tiredly. "Oh, if you want to sleep go ahead. We can cuddle later" Simon said about to leave. "No, it's fine. Come here" I said with my arms up. Simon shut the door and giggled as he came over to lie next to me. I held him close and covered us over with the quilt. "How was recording?" I asked snuggling into Simon's neck. "Good, we got some good videos done today" Simon said. "Nice. So, did you miss me?" I asked grinning. Simon chuckled, "Of course that's why I kept texting you" he said and poked at my sides. I jumped back, "Oi, none of that, naughty" I said looking at him. Simon smirked, "Okay, sorry dad" he said. I sighed shaking my head at him as he lay there giggling. "So, anything funny happen that I missed out on?" I asked as I began to stroke Simon's hair. "No... but there is one small thing..." Simon said. "Oh yeah like what?" I asked. "Harry admitted he had feelings for me" Simon said looking at me. I stopped stroking his hair and sat up, "What?" I asked. Simon sat up, "Harry said he liked me... I told him that he couldn't and how I'm with you and he understood. He said he'd never want to lose me as a friend and never come between us which is what a good friend does" Simon said holding my shoulders. I sighed, "Fuck sake...  I won't let him take you" I said pulling Simon close. "You won't have to try hard as I am not going anywhere" Simon said leaning up to kiss me. I kissed him back and we snuggled back down in bed. 

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