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Judy grinned, drumming her fingers on her desk as she waited for her Polaroid picture to print out. She clutched it in her hands, scanning her photo to make sure it was fit for the school newspaper. She frowned, narrowing her eyes as she inspected it closer, making sure she was seeing right.
Claw-like nails protruded from the lacrosse player's gloves, his eyes were glowing an unnatural color, and his teeth were visibly pointed.
She frantically shuffled through the other pictures. All of them were normal. That picture was the only odd one.
She glanced at her door, making sure her father wouldn't come in. The door was still closed. She hurriedly opened her desk drawer and carefully folded up the picture, tucking it into her 'Mysteries and Oddballs' notebook, which was consisted of odd pictures and confusing ones.

She shook her head. 'I will find out what's up with Scott McCall. I'm the daughter of a detective and a journalist, I can do it.'

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