chapter 01

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Judy slipped into the cafeteria, following Lydia  Martin as she got her lunch tray and stood in line. "Hey, Lyds, do you know where the new girl is?" Lydia looked up from her phone. "Allison Argent?" Judy rolled her eyes.

"No, Billy Bob Jones. Who else is new?" Lydia rose her eyebrows.

"Chill, Joods. I got it." She flipped her hair behind her shoulder. "Anyways, she just came into the cafeteria." Judy grinned. "Great." Lydia nudged her with her elbow as the line went up a bit more and Allison approached them. "Are you gonna do the thing you always do with new kids? Interview and photograph?" Judy nodded. "Yup." They reached the end of the line and seeing as they got all their food, they went to sit down. Judy greeted Allison heartily. "Hi! I'm Judy Myers and I'm gonna be your new friend." Allison blinked and grinned slightly. "Straightforward, aren't you?" Judy nodded. "Definitely," Lydia answered for her. Lydia turned to Allison expectantly.


Allison, the poor girl, frowned confusedly. "Well, what?" Judy hit Allison softly on her shoulder. "New kid chooses a table to sit at. Go ahead." Allison scanned the lunchroom tables and smiled as she found what(or who) she was looking for. She made a beeline for Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski, Judy's latest two obsessions. Judy and Lydia followed.

"We'll figure it out," Judy heard

Allison sat next to Scott McCall, Lydia sitting on his other side as Judy slid in next to Stiles Stilinski. "Figure what out?" Judy asked, her head tilted curiously.  Stiles took a sharp intake of breath, staring at them in disbelief. "Just... uh... homework. Yeah." 

The rest of the 'popular clique' slipped in next to them, shuffling.

As Judy took a bite out of her peach, she tuned into the awkwardness in the air. It was clear that these groups had never gotten together, as the silence among us was a little uncomfortable. There was shuffling at the end of the table, as Jackson rudely shooed Brian away, taking his chair.

"You can legit feel the awkwardness in the air," Judy voiced out, pinching her fingers in the air like a pair of lobster pincers.

The table laughed, the tension slightly clearing away.

"So," Danny said, biting into his apple, "I heard it was some kind of animal attack. Probably a cougar." Judy tucked her hair behind her ear to hear him better.

Jackson sighed pompously. "Well, I heard it was a mountain lion."

"A cougar is a mountain lion, you idjit," Judy snapped.

 Jackson shrugged carelessly. "Who cares? It was probably some homeless tweaker who was gonna die anyway."

 Judy fidgeted uncomfortably and noticed from the corner of her eye, Stiles doing the same. His hands dug into his pockets and pulled out a cellphone as he navigated to something and cleared his throat.  

Stiles spoke up, his phone in his hands. "Actually, I just found out who it was." Judy scooted closer to Stiles to peek at his phone, leaning into him as a result. 'He smells nice,' Judy thought.

'It must be nice to hug him.'

The video played, showing the Sheriff, as Judy already knew was actually Stiles' dad, inspecting the bus. A newscaster's voice explained the scene. "The Sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident, but confirm the victim Garrison Myers did survive the attack. Myers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition."

Scott leaned back from the phone.

"I-I know this guy," he stuttered. Judy narrowed her eyes, suspicious. 'He stammered. He's either lying... or he has something to do with this.'

"You do?"

"Yeah, when I used to take the bus when I was back living with my dad. He was the driver," Scott stared intently at Stiles, the two sharing a look that Judy noticed before Lydia scrunched her nose and interrupted.

"Can we talk about something more fun please," she huffed, twirling her fork around. "Like where we're going tomorrow night?"

Lydia furrowed her eyebrows as she looked expectantly at Allison. "You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?"

"Um- we were thinking of what we were gonna do," she explained, as Judy's eyes darted between her and Lydia. Scott had a look of dread on his face while being sandwiched between the two.

"Well," Lydia exhaled, "I'm not sitting home again watching lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out we are doing something fun."

Allison grabbed her water bottle and started drinking with a nervous look in her eyes. Scott looked absolutely perplexed.

"Hanging out?" he said. "Like... the four of us?"

Stiles clapped his hand over his mouth besides Judy, sinking down further into his chair. Allison looked at Judy for help, but unfortunately, all she could do in this uncomfortable situation was eat silently and observe. She sent her an apologetic look since she could tell that even if Allison wanted to spend time alone with Scott, the intense look in Lydia's eyes made it clear that this was going to be a group thing whether they liked it or not.

Scott turned to Allison, "Do you wanna hang out? Like us... and them?"

"Um- yeah, I guess," Allison shrugged. "Sounds fun."

"You know what else sounds fun?" Jackson cut in. "Stabbing myself in the face with this fork."

Judy rolled her eyes at that one and continued eating her peach. Judy didn't think she had ever seen a side of Jackson that she liked in all her years at Beacon Hill, even when he liked all sides of himself with extreme passion. Unfortunately for him, his sharp jawline and brooding eyes were not making up for all the crap hidden behind them.

Persistent as ever, Lydia pressed on and gasped excitedly, "What about bowling? You love bowling!"

"Yeah, with actual competition,"Jackson said plainly, leaning forward.

Allison smirked and raised her eyebrow.

"How do you know we're not 'actual competition'? You can bowl, right?" she grinned at Scott.

"Sort of," he said, unsure. Judy raised her eyebrows, leaning back. 

'He's gonna get embarrassed so bad during the date.'

"Is it sort of, or yes?" Jackson challenged, squaring his shoulders as he put his hands on the table.

"Yes," Scott insisted. "In fact, I'm a great bowler."

Judy felt Stiles slump in his chair a bit next to her and reach for his juice carton. 'Yeah, he's definitely not.'

"Alright then," Lydia grinned happily. "Bowling alley at 9:30?"

She locked eyes with Judy, and pity fell across her face.

"You should've hooked up with one of the lacrosse players, like I told you too, Judy."

Her statement was met with a sudden fit of coughs from Stiles, who appeared to be choking on his juice. Instead of helping him, Danny just stared at him before inching his tray further away from Stiles'. Judy smacked his back as he shot forward slightly. "You good?"

"It's all good, I'm fine," he choked out, and Judy smiled amusedly. As Allison, Scott, and Lydia talked (Jackson was obviously not joining in), Judy nudged Stiles. "Hey, since neither of us have been invited directly to their little date, wanna hang out with each other around the same time?"

Stiles stared at her, his mouth opened. He reclosed it and stammered, "Yes-ah, yeah! Definitely. Sure. Yeah. Great! Yes!" Judy shook her head, her eyes glittering with amusement.

"Great. See you later."

And then Judy stood up and walked away, her bag slung over one shoulder, Stiles staring at her until she left the cafeteria.

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