Prolouge- Year 2782- Earth

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“Congratulations on your graduation Axel.” The Professor said shaking Axel’s hand, “I knew you’d achieve it.”

Before the Professor could continue, Sapphire walked up behind Axel.

“I think someone want to talk to you Axel.” The Professor said walking away.

Axel turned round, but before he could say or do anything, Sapphire kissed him.

“Congratulations.” Sapphire said.

“And to you to.” Axel replied.

Before Sapphire could say anything, there was a loud bang. Everyone looked around to see what had happened. Instead of seeing a pair of kids setting off fireworks, they saw what looked like a portal. Out of the portal came a hideous alien who disappeared with the portal in a blink of an eye.

“What the hell was that?” Sapphire asked.

“Well let’s not stick around to find out.” Axel replied.

“Why did you want to see us Professor?” Sapphire asked.

“Well, I just came off the holo-phone to one of my friends at the United Planetary Centre of Research and he’s just offered you two a job as lead physicists.”

“That’s amazing,” Axel said, “when do we start?”

“Hang on a second.” Sapphire said, “You just want to take a job at the UPCR and not even talk it over with anyone?”

“Sounds good to me, but remember, I’ve always been like that.”

“Fine. We’ll take it” Sapphire said with a hint of excitement in her voice.

“So it’s settled then.” the Professor said stroking his grey beard, “You’ll start at the end of the week”

“Thank you Professor.” Axel and sapphire said in unison

“No, thank you for being such wonderful students”

With that sapphire and Axel left the Professors room and walked out into the corridor.

“How about a graduation dinner on me?” Axel asked.

Before Sapphire could reply, the Professor came running up to them.

“You know that portal that appeared earlier?” The Professor asked panting

“Yeah, what about it?” Axel and Sapphire asked together.

“Well the thing that came out of it was an Astral Golem and the portal was an experiment that the UPCR carried out on Syrinx.”

“And the UPCR just want us to get on with that?” Axel asked.

“Nope, a cover up team is being sent out here to deal with the mess.” The Professor replied

The Professor started walking down the corridor and beckoned for Axel and Sapphire to follow him.

“Professor?” Axel asked

“Why yes my boy” The Professor said turning so his blue eyes glittered in the brightly light corridor.

“What UPCR lab are we going to?”

“The one on-”

The Professor was cut short.

“Axel and Sapphire run!”

Axel, Sapphire and the Professor all ran down the corridor because behind them was an angry looking Astral Golem.

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