part 3

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Dinner is going to be served soon, so I go to take a shower, and just before I get in, I hear my phone ringing. Unknown number... maybe it's Sam.

„Hello?“ I answer

„Gaby? It's me, Nathan.“

My head is starting to hurt and my heart is starting to beat like crazy.

„What the hell do you want?!“ I yell

„Listen, I just wanted to talk... explain why I did what I did. Your mom told me that you're in New York. When are you coming back so we can do this in person?“ he said quietly

„How dare you? I don't need your fucking excuses Nathan! I never want to see you again! My mom will pick up my stuff from your place and I intend to stay in New York for a long time so you can forget about your „explaining“ and you can go on and fuck yourself! Have a happy life with your whore.“ I slam the phone

I run to the bathroom to throw up.

After crying in the shower and thinking when did my life become so fucking complicated, I put on my tight, red, Herve Leger dress and my new Louboutin (gorgeous) black, matt, open toe shoes. I also takemyAlexander McQueen black, satin, knucklebox clutch. When I got to themainhall, Sam almost screamed.

“Oh my god! Gaby! You look amazing. Is that the dress we bought today? I knew that Herve Leger is the right choice“ she says proudly

„Thank you. I'm off to dinner, and I'm kind of hoping that I'm going to see the Armani suit guy again. I met him officially in the elevator. His name is David Valentine“ I say

„Oh yes! His jaw is going to fall off when he sees you.“ She winks

That's the plan. Call me after your shift is over“ I say

„Sure London. And have fun“ she kisses me

I got to the The Champagne Bar, and the first person I see is David. He was drinking a whiskey, alone. He looked sad but that only made him hotter. I got to the bar while ignoring him and called the bartender

I will have a Cosmopolitan.“ I say

„My treat“ I hear David interrupt the bartender

„I don't know what I like better... seeing you completely naked, or seeing you in this dress“ he smiles

„Thank you for the drink, and the compliment. So, what do you usually do when you're not seeing me naked or buying me drinks?“ I say

„Well, I'm an arhitect. And what do you do when you're not walking around in your room naked?“ he winks

„Currently nothing, I'm here for an unknown period. I'm from London otherwise, and I worked as a journalist there.“ I say

„Do you like it here? Besides, New York is the city that never sleeps.“

„Oh yes, I love it here, I'm even thinking about moving here if I find a job.“ I say

„What made you come here in the first place?“ he asks

„Well I caught my fiance cheating on me right before our wedding... so I needed to get out of there. New York seemed to be the place for forgeting the past and starting a new page.“ I say

„Wow. When did that happen?“ he asks

„Couple of days ago“ I say

„I admire you. If that was me I would probably be drunk in an alley or crying huddled on my bed.” He laughs

I never did anything like it… but now I’m glad that I did” I say

“Well, here’s to taking chances” he says as he raises a glass

“To taking chances” I agree

„Would you like to join me for dinner?“ he asks

„Yes that would be lovely“ I smile

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2013 ⏰

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