"Pack of bones"

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A pencil. That's what I look like. As thin as a pencil. Oh don't forget a "walking corpse". These are the things I hear everyday. People often forget or maybe they just choose not to acknowledge it. I may be what's "preferred" a lot of the time but the amount of the feelings we feel are thicker than the meat we carry on our body. I'm a person, if you haven't noticed. I hear it all, the little snide comments, the "jokes" that don't make me laugh, the daily commentary--I hear it all. The thing I know I need to do most, I have yet to achieve. I'm afraid I never will..

Living life is always hard. Living mine; however, is exceptionally hard. The name's Angelise by the way. Not that it matters. It's just not the first thing people see, so I don't even know why I told you, but anyways back to my "life." It's as if my mind is literally picking petals off of a flower 24/7. Like Fiona, you know the one from Shrek, that one. Instead I'm choosing between how I feel about my body.

Me: " I love my body"
Conscience: " you don't "
Me: " yes. I do. "
Conscience: " how could you?? No hips, boobs, thighs. You literally have nothing. Well, nothing to love at least."
Me: " please, I'm trying"
Conscience: " you're a mess on the inside and out so lik.."
Me:" ok, I get it."

My conscience gets the same "ok" that I give to those I tolerate, with their "jokes." Next time somebody hits me with the "you need to gain some weight." I'll be ready to retaliate with my "and you can stand to lose some" even though I should be the bigger person. No pun intended. What some people seem to understand is I have NO control. My metabolism has a mind of its very own. It's like I eat just because food exists. I swear the food disappears into thin air. It never gets to my desired areas, my thighs, a little junk in my trunk, nothing. That doesn't stop me from eating though, I stuff my face like a pig. There is never a time when I'm not in my fridge raiding it for food. SKINNY GIRLS CAN EAT. Believe me. So don't tell me to get a sandwich.

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