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Ayla pointed her hand at Breakdown. Breakdown stared wide-eyed at Ayla then turned to Knockout.

"Run?", he asked.

"Nah. Drive, it's faster.", Knockout said.

The two transformed and drove out of the bridge. Ayla and Soundwave followed. Ayla ran, shooting her Dark Energon lightning at Breakdown. Soundwave laughed as Knockout and Breakdown drove faster.

"Hop on!", Soundwave said to Ayla and Transformed.

Ayla got on. Soundwave chased after the two throughout the warship, dogging vehicons and other warriors. Breakdown and Knockout turned a corner as id Soundwave. Starscream looked over when he heard he engines and dove into another room to be out of the way. He ended up slamming into Megatron who in turn beat the seeker.

Ayla shot her lighting at Starscream when they went by, but continued shooting at the other two who were driving. Her Dark Energon lightning hitting Starscream perfectly....right on his aft. The seeker yelped. Soundwave and Ayla laughed at the seeker.

Ayla's Dark Energon lightning hit the other two, mainly Breakdown, a lot. After another hour of Ayla and Soundwave chasing Breakdown and Knockout, the partners were exhausted.

"You", Knockout said, Breakdown nodded in agreement too exhausted to say anything.

"You sure got them, Ayla.", Soundwave laughed.

"Thank you, Striker.", She said, laughing as well.

: Striker, Ayla, I am sending the two of you on a scouting mission. We mustn't let the Autobots get any of the Energon. The less Energon they have, the weaker they are. : Megatron said through the com link.

: But, Dad. They don't know I'm alive, let alone on your side. Is this part of my comeback and showing that when I left them, I joined you and didn't go rogue instead? : She asked over the com link.

: Indeed. Just be careful out there you two. : Megatron said.

: We will, Dad. : Soundwave and Ayla answered at the same time.

"Striker, ground bridge.", She said.

Soundwave opened up a bridge to random coordinates. The two flew through and ended up in a rainforest.

"So, where's the mine?", Ayla asked him.

"Let's find out.", Soundwave said and started walking. Ayla walked next to him calmly. She had to go slower since her legs were longer and she was taller than her brother.

Autobot Base:

"Optimus! We've got Decepticon activity in Brazil.", Ratchet said.

"Open a ground bridge. Arcee, Bulkhead, you'll come with me. Autobots, roll out!", Optimus said and they disappeared in the ground bridge.

Amazon Rainforest, Brazil, South America

They appeared only a couple feet behind Soundwave and Ayla. The two Decepticons turned around.

"Ayla, you go up against Optimus. I have the other two.", Soundwave suggested and went after Bulkhead and Arcee.

"Megatrooooon!", Optimus yelled and started attacking Ayla, Soundwave held in his laughter.

"Actually, I'm Ayla, his daughter!", She yelled and punched Prime in the face, hard enough to make him go flying with her greater strength than even her father. Soundwave smiled and continued to battle the two Autobots.

"Ayla? I thought you went rogue!", Optimus yelled and battled his former Second In Command.

"No, I joined my father right after I left! And I'll tell you another thing, I was born with Dark Energon and have Dark Energon powers! I never used them around you, afraid you would judge me. Now, I have nothing to be judged for.", She said evilly and let her dark Energon lightning crackle over the surface of her armor like she did around them in her human form.

"You're that girl we saved!", Bulkhead yelled.

"You mean kidnapped?!", Soundwave snapped angrily and smacked Bulkhead with his tentacles.

"That would be correct.", Ayla said darkly.

The Autobots noticed they were loosing and Optimus quickly called a retreat before anyone got hurt.

"Cowards!", Soundwave yelled after them.

"I agree, big brother......", she said, standing next to Soundwave.

"Come on. We have to go report to Dad that there are no Energon mines in this quadrant and that we had a run in with the Autobots.", Soundwave opened another bridge to head back to the warship.

Ayla walked in. What they didn't know is that Prime was watching her. Soundwave walked through the bridge after Ayla. They immediately went to Megatron's throne room.

"There were no Energon mines in that quadrant and we had a little run in with the Autobots while we were there. I fought Prime.", Ayla said and sat on her throne next to their father after she reported to him.

"I ended up fighting Bulkhead and Arcee. She almost called the scout but I damaged her con link before she could, same with Bulkhead.", Soundwave said, "Did it feel like we were being watched when I opened the bridge to come back here?"

"So, I wasn't the only one who felt it!", she said.

Megatron growled and left the room. He went to the last place he and Optimus had battled, knowing that he'd be there. Not even ten minutes later, Optimus arrived.

"One of your Autobots has been spying on my son and daughter.", Megatron said.

"Why is that a problem?", Optimus asked calmly.

"I don't like it. One of your bots is threatening my family. I wont hesitate to kill them.", Megatron warned.

"I would never hut you or your family.", Optimus defended himself. (I know what ur thinking, reader. 'Optimus already did hurt Megatron....' right? Come on, am I right?)

"So it was you that spied on my kids after they defeated your Autobots and yourself.", Megatron growled, "I don't recommend you do it again."

Optimus said nothing as Megatron called for a bridge back to base. When the ground bridge appeared, he shot near Optimus as a warning.

Optimus jumped back from surprise after the shot and watched as Megatron entered the groundbridge and called for his own. When he walked through, Optimus didn't look too happy. Then again, his expression never changed.

"Something wrong, Optimus?", Ratchet asked.

"If you ever go out, any one of you, make sure you stay completely hidden. Megatron might try and terminate you if you're anywhere near Soundwave or Ayla.", Optimus said.

Hey, readers! Sorry I haven't updated. My schedule is out of wack and I didn't know when I would have time to publish this chapter. It has been done for quite some time, I just haven't gotten around to publishing it. Sorry for the delay. My hope is that another chapter will be out before September 5th. After the 6th, updates will be a lot slower. I might not be able to update every couple weeks the most you might get is once a month. My goal for this year on Wattpad is to update once a week. I know I said I'd update on Tuesdays but that is going to change since I have weekly meetings with my company (no I am not a business owner). Here is what you can do to make updates faster: Comment something about updating the story or about how awesome Ayla is. It will get my motivation going and updates will be faster....I promise. CommentsByAyla, I know you are laughing right now...... 😏

Until next time! May chaos be with you!


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