Chapter 3

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If I wasn't stuck in this facility I swear I would be in jail right now for having  sex with a minor.

But I just couldn't say no.

We ended up falling asleep on the couch and I woke up to us naked and me on top of him.

I stare at his sleeping face, he looks so cute I don't want to wake him up.

I wonder what made him lose his cool last night though. He just totally lost it and started blabbering about some girl.

He must really hate her.

"Well good morning. " he opens his eyes and they lock onto mine.

"Do you feel better now? " I ask

He pushes me off him and he gets up from the couch and starts getting dressed.

"It's best if you don't bring that up hun. " he hisses at me.

"Oh sorry."

He turns on the TV and switches to a channel of politicians. I get dressed and start watching it with him.

"So uhh what are they talking about? " I ask

"Just the causal stuff, Donald Trump being a total dick and Hilary the liar, etc. "

I just nod. I have no clue what he's talking about.

The cell door opens and two guards walk in.

"JuuJuu you are needed for ammunition practice." One of them call out.

"Ah yes I forgot. " he turns off the TV.  He extends out his hand. "Join me, what you see will be interesting. " he smiles at me.



JuuJuu is very skilled with guns, Especially the handgun.

He shoots right on the spot and doesn't miss.

That's amazing.

I don't understand why he needs to practice using guns though? This facility is to make the human body weapons not practice using weapons.

The practice goes on for more than hour, I expected to be bored by now but I'm surprisingly not. Just watching him fascinates me.

"JuuJuu the director is here to see you. " a guard calls out and the man I saw last night with a new fancy suit walks in.

He's  the director of this place?

JuuJuu stops what he's doing and faces him.

"You doing great with those shots." The director compliments.

"Are you sweet talkin me? " JuuJuu scoffs " tsk tsk that isn't gonna get ya anywhere. "

"I know that but it was worth a shot. " the director shrugs. "Anyways despite your little lash out yesterday there is something we need to talk about and that's about subject #9057. " the director looks at me

I feel my body stiffen.

"Oh you mean Lucia! " JuuJuu turns around and smiles at me.

"Yes Lucia. You didn't notify me that she was going to stay with you."

"Well I told the staff and that should be enough. "

"You know you have to consult with me first."

"Agh whatever! What's done is done!" JuuJuu walks over to me and puts his arm over me.

A guard walks up to the director. "Sir the subject was suppose to be exterminated yesterday and she was in the lab with the group of scientists that were brutally killed. "
He points the gun at me "should I do it now sir?"

I Fell for a Psychopath ( Side story of Inhumane )Where stories live. Discover now