Chapter 5

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"Let go of me!! This isn't fair! " a boy shrieks in the hall and wakes me and my lover up.

We get out to the hallway and catch the sight of two guards pulling away a young boy with one eye, covered in dirt and filth screaming for his life.

Mike watches them drag him to the amputation room.

Is that Barnaby?

Juujuu mentioned the name before to Mike.

"So how did it go? " JuuJuu asks Mike

"Well it went as you expected it to be. Although I did lose a guard and almost a test subject! " he scowls at him.

"Yo? "

"We both know how short his temper can be. She convinced him to let him go though. "

JuuJuu twitches a brow. "Did the damn experiment start already?! "

"Oh trust's in progress. "

"I hope Yo goes brutal on her. " he growls and walks off.

"JuuJuu wait! " I call out and follow him.

Who was he even talking about?

"What was that all about? "

"Nothing of your concern. " he snaps

I jump a little "Sorry. "

He sighs "You sure are nosy. "

"I just care about you that's all..." I look down to the floor.

"Oh is that so?" He crosses his arms

"Hell, I love you! " I exclaim.

He says nothing and just stares at me.

Is he going to say it back?

Oh please say it back!

"Ok. " he shrugs and walks off.



Two months gone by and i feel like my relationship with JuuJuu has grew closer. I learned more things about him. He doesn't like to be bothered during his experiments, gets cranky if someone gives him eye contact longer than thirty seconds, and lastly he is obsessed with this girl who I have no idea who she is!

He always talks about this girl with the staff and every time I ask about he always brushes it off.

Is he in love with someone else?!

No he can't be! He's in love with me!!

Agh! I can't stand this jealousy anymore!

Lately he hasn't been giving me attention at all.

Whenever I wake up he's never in the cell, whenever it's time to eat he rather eat with the staff than with me.

I'm so lonely!

Last night I didn't sleep at all, I want to know what he does while I'm asleep.

When he woke up I pretended to be asleep as he headed out the cell, and followed him to his fathers office.

Luckily the door isn't fully closed and I can hear in on their convo.

"So how are things going over there? " I hear JuuJuu ask.

"Well. It's a healthy baby boy! " The director exclaims. " Donovan says he looks a lot like her more than Yo...Thank goodness. "

"Just thinking about their child makes me want to hurl. "

"Well from what I heard the experiment isn't going well..he's barely a toddler and sadly is already showing aggressive behavior. If we took him back here we don't know what he'll be capable of. " the director comments quietly

"So there's nothing more to do than terminate the little bastard. "

"Unfortunately yes. " the director sighs

JuuJuu scoffs "Oh stop acting like you care, we both know damn well you don't give two fucks."

"Believe it or not I do! Children bring life to the facility and I don't expect grandchildren from you anytime soon. "

I gasp.

A baby.

I start to picture myself with a big belly and JuuJuu caressing it.

Having his child sounds like a splendid idea!


"JuuJuu it's been a while since I've had all to myself! " I embrace him as we watch tv together.

"Yeah so? "

"So I've missed you! You've been neglecting me lately. " I frown.

"Well unlike you I don't have a lot of spare time on my hands! " he pushes me away.

"Let's do it! " I squeal


"Oh please it's been forever! "

"Go find someone else to do it with! This is a really good episode. "

"How can you say such a thing! I only want you! "

Annoyed he shuts off the TV. "If I do it will you shut up for the rest of the night? "

"Yes! " I smile.

"Geez your so needy. " he twitches a brow and forcefully throws me on my back.

Ha! Jokes on him! We are gonna have a baby!


Heyy! Guys :3

This is one of the few last chapters of this little side story. I honestly intentionally made it short lol

Sorry for the slow ass updates it's just I've been stressed over a lot of things lately and plus with school starting soon I've just been to busy :/
Also sorry if it looks like I didn't put much effort into this chapter and that's because I'm half awake writing this and it's 4 a.m. For me right now :)
Anyways see you in the  next update 💋

I Fell for a Psychopath ( Side story of Inhumane )Where stories live. Discover now