Chapter 1: Ruby confesses

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It was a mid summers day and Ruby had been gave the day off yet had not decided what to do. She thought of training or meeting with one a her team mates. However, all her team were in lessons that day.
"I wonder when Weiss will be done with her lesson" Ruby wondered.
"Wait if Weiss is the first to finish that means that it will only be us In...EEK!!" Ruby squeals as Weiss enters the room.
"Oh...uummm..hey Ruby" Weiss said with a slight shiver to her speech.

I suppose I should explain why its so awkward between these two. Well it started the night before. Ruby and Weiss where up late that night studying for a test they had in two days.
"This is so confusing" Ruby whispered due to annoyance and a short attention span.
"Sorry but you will have to put up with it for now" Weiss replied softly."All though at 2 in the morning I think we should get some rest" She continued.
"OK but can I tell you something Weiss" Ruby asked calmly.
"Sure" Weiss replied with little enthusiasm.
"OK....Weiss...I..I love you" Ruby stuttered. By this point Blake's eyes gad slowly drifted back into consciousness just in time to hear Ruby.
"Uuuummmm" A slightly dumbfounded Blake and Weiss gasped at this shocking turn.
"Ruby how do you mean I love you?" Weiss questions.
"As in I want to be with you kind of a love you" A rather worried Ruby replies.
"I think you 2 have had a long night and too much coffee now get some sleep" A yawning Blake demands whilst falling asleep. So the 3 of them retired to there beds.

Now that we've gone over that back to the present day and things are awkward.Weiss stood looking at Ruby for a good minute before either of them moved. Ruby merely gestured towards the bed she was on for Weiss to sit down. Weiss who appeared a little tired still accepted the offer from Ruby only to sit so close to Ruby that she may as well have sat on top of her.

" Uuummm...Weiss are you...alright?" Ruby asked confused beyond belief as it was Weiss who chose to sit so close and lets be honest she isn't known for getting close to people as friends let alone physically.

"I...I'm just fine but it still bugs know last night"Weiss said with pale cheeks slowly beginning to glow a faint pink. This puzzled poor little Ruby as she knows she admitted her feelings to Weiss but why was she blushing slightly.

"Well i cannot say I'm surprised but why do you look like your about to really blush with rose red cheeks(Though it would be quite the sight for me i mean to see the one i love to blush like that in front of me.)so what has got you like this" Ruby replies with a flurry of thoughts that make her begin to blush.

"Well I know what you said last night can't have been true(Even if I wish it was but how could i tell her that I love her more than I love Neptune)but there are no hard feelings between us right?" Weiss questions with the slight tint of pink in her cheeks quickly becoming rose red.

"Well I can't say that I didn't mean what i said last night without lying to you because i really do love you my beautiful snow angel" Ruby replied slowly placing her hand on Weiss' hand whilst her cheeks went the colour of her name.

"R...R..Ruby what are you saying(Oh my Grimm she does love me my little red rose truly loves me)I didn't think you where old enough to feel these things"A rather excited Weiss replied the glow in her eyes going from normal to the kind a star gives on the darkest of nights. This shine is the kind people see late at night lying on a hill with the one they love and they gaze upon the stars as the night takes them on a love cruise that can only occur at night.

"Well it's just as i said but i understand if you are more into Neptune after all he is a boy and I'm just a girl"Ruby replied with a small image growing in her eyes. Now unlike what most of you are expecting it is not a red rose well it is a rose just not red instead white. So the two of them sat talking until a knock at the came. Weiss stood up and lept towards the door only to miss completely and land on a makeshift desk they put up and landed with quite a thud. So Ruby stands and walks to the door and opens it to find Joane and Pyrrha at the door hand in hand quite literally.Ruby invited them in after helping a slightly disorientated and embarrassed Weiss.

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