The body Builder

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The body builders

Chapter 1

Sam walked into Michael’s room, he wasn't really good friends with his older stepbrother they were complete opposites. Sam was a small hunched nerd; he was a freshman this year and was struggling to make friends in his grade. His brother Michael, who had graduated last year, was a tall muscular bodybuilder who had no trouble getting anyone or anything he wanted. Michael looked up as Sam entered the room. "What's up little bro?" He said as Sam shut the door behind him. Sam looked around nervously for a minute or two before softly saying.” I want you to train me so I can become strong like you." Michael perked up he had been waiting for Sam to come to him for training since their parents got married two years ago. "I can train you little bro, I can make you a whole new person if you want." He said grinning. "That would be awesome!" Sam exclaimed. "Good we start tomorrow after you get home from school, see you then." Michael replied.

Sam excited for tomorrow night ran out of the room, Michael waited a few minutes before going down to the basement. The basement was old and dark so his family never used it; he had converted half the basement into his private gym. He walked into his gym, and began to adjust the equipment so Sam would be able to use it; finished he grabbed a box out of his equipment storage, and smiled. "So I finally get to use this." He thought to himself as he peered into the mysterious contents of the box. Michael left his gym around midnight; he still had one more thing to prepare before tomorrow.  Michael couldn’t wait till tomorrow, he knew Sam would love the new him that would exist when Michael was done training him. 

Chapter 2

Sam woke up the next day; for once he was happy to go to school. The idea that after school he would begin his training when he got home gave him a great feeling of happiness. The day progressed slowly and after what seemed like hours period A ended. He didn't know if he could make it the other 3 periods left in the day, all he could think about was starting his training, and he spent the rest of the day dreaming about his training. At the end of the day with only fifth-teen minutes in period D, Sam decided to sneak out of class.

He walked down the hallway to the old half of the school. Even though this part of the school had been shut down years ago a few groups Students had turned it into their own personal play ground. He walked down the twisting hallways that the old half was famous for, he heard the sound of clanking which signaled he was close. He peered around  the corner into a huge room filled with guys most of them lifting weights or doing some other sort of rigorous activity, of all the activities that took place in the old half this was seemingly the most innocent. Sam looked around at all the muscled jock guys, they came here every day, and worked out some of them graduated years ago but they didn't seem to care they came every day just to work out. He watched desiring to be like them until the bell rang and school let out. He walked out of the school and boarded the bus, he knew the bus ride would take forever but he knew it was worth it.

 Chapter 3

Michael woke up yawning, he checked the clock it was 12:34 PM he only had an hour and a half to prepare. He got out of bed slipping on a pair of briefs, and walked downstairs to the basement. He didn't have to worry about dressing appropriately or making too much noise his parents left last month on a mission trip In Chile and wouldn't be back till Christmas which was still two months away. Michael checked himself out in the mirror outside of his gym. His bronzed skin and muscled body only complimented the tight yellow briefs he was wearing. He never was found of clothes other then underwear, and always worked out in his briefs. He brushed his hand down his chiseled abs, that seemed to glisten under the little light visible in this part of the basement. He sat there for a moment admiring his body before remembering he had work to do.

 He opened the door to his homemade gym and flipped on the lights he walked over to the self where he stored the device. He didn't know who made it all he knew is that it would help and that had been entrusted to it last year when it appeared on his door step. He lifted out of the box, it was a golden collar with strange etchings on it, it would probably be too big for Sam's neck but he would have to make it work, He also pulled out the strange amulet it had the same etchings as the collar and he figured it would be useful. He went into his drawer and got out a pair of red briefs, he had bought them last night after Sam was sleeping, and he knew Sam would work out in them if he told him too. Michael had always worked out in just his briefs and believed him and Sam would bond over that. He looked at the clock it was almost 2 Sam would be home from school soon, he set up the gym for same arrival and waited, knowing that Sam's life was about to change forever.

Chapter 4

Sam flew off the bus as fast as he could, running straight into his house and down to the basement. He stopped in front of the door to Michaels gym, he had never been in there before in fact no one had other then Michael. He knocked on the door, and Michael opened the door in only his briefs, Sam was used to this though so he walked in and sat down waiting for his brother’s instruction. Michael shut the door and handed him the briefs.” put these on, if you don't I won't train you" he barked at Sam like a football coach. Sam just groaned and reluctantly changed into them, they were tight they were tighter then tight. "Done" he said looking back at Michael who was holding something golden in his hands. "Now I'm going to put this on you it’s um.......a strength booster" he said as he slipped it on Sam. The collar shrunk to fit his neck surprising even Michael. Michael clicked the button on the amulet out of instinct. "Start lifting when you feel comfortable Sam." He said, and the symbols on the collar glowed a bright blue. Sam felt a rush inside him and he went to bench beginning to lift. The collar glowed brighter, and Sam began to change, he felt all worry about his grades and getting into a good college disappeared.

Michael watched his brother surprised at his strength, but he was even more surprised when he saw that his muscles began to grow rapidly. His whole body becoming toned, he suddenly had a six packed that looked like it was chiseled from stone. He briefs becoming tighter and tighter as his leg muscles began to become muscular and toned, when the process was over Sam was completely different. The once short and small nerd, was suddenly tall, six foot tall too be exact his muscles slightly smaller than his brothers but much more toned.  His chest was well built; he had a six pack that looked like it had been carved into stone. His red briefs had become tighter and you couldn't miss his bulging privates which stretched the briefs to their max, and His legs were toned and muscular.

 Sam and Michael have grown closer ever since that night often times working out together in their basement gym. Sam can often be found in the old part of the school lifting, it doesn't even seem to matter to him that he graduated three years ago, he just goes and lifts with the others that are just like him...

To be continued?

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