Chapter 8 - In Your Arms

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 Dedicated to @JustThatCrazyGirl for firt comment last chapter :P

So Hey guys this is way over due but it's quite long I think so what do you think? COMMENT BELOW! VOTE if you liked it and add, add, add!

(BTW I wrote this chapter around 3 days ago so on sunday sorry for not posting it :/ Whoops?)

-Love You ALL

-Stay Awesome :P

-Liz xx

Chapter 8 – In Your Arms.

|| LILY’S POV ||

*Three weeks later*

I was in a hospital bed, but my eyes wouldn’t open. I knew I was in a hospital due to the faint beeping of a life machine; a sound I had heard one too many times. I could hear someone sniffing, maybe they were crying? And I could feel someone rubbing my hand, reassuringly.

“Lily wake up, please. We miss you.”

I woke up panting heavily. I had been hearing this voice and having the same crazy dream over and over, but it would be a different part or time in each dream and it would be a different phrase from the same voice each time. But these dreams couldn’t be possibly be past memories trying to snake their way back to my mind, could they?

Lily wake up, please. We miss you.

The voice that replayed in my mind every day, day and night. I shuffled out of my bed and walked into my empty corridor, I then walked towards my kitchen, the floorboards groaned as I stepped on them. Trying not to wake up Tyrese, who slept in the room opposite the kitchen, I poured some milk in a cup for myself and added 3 tea spoons of sugar, just the way I like it, oh yeah.

As, I walked towards the microwave I stubbed my toe on a metal chair and of course Tyrese being the light sleeper he was, woke up. Well done Lily, mission accomplished.

“Lily, why are you awake at 3 in the morning again? Did you have that dream again?” He asked placing his hands on my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. I nodded, stiffly.

“Okay, go to my room and sleep. Maybe a different bed will help get rid of the dreams for now?” Once again I nodded this time not trusting my voice, just in case it came out breathless or choked up because at the moment I was feeling two emotions; sad and self-conscious, sad because I wasn’t able to sleep properly for the past consecutive 5 days and self-conscious because he was really close and I was pretty sure I had bad breath, whilst his was a bearable smell mine was probably the complete opposite. My hands felt sweaty and my heart was pounding as I slipped out of Tyrese’s grip and started making my way towards the guest room. Let’s not forget the tornado of butterflies in my stomach. The butterflies…

As, entered his room I heard him say,

“Don’t worry about your milk; I’ll bring it for you when it’s done,”

“Okay, thanks Ty,” I replied. I slipped under his sheets and rested my head against his pillow, I took breathed in his scent; he smelt like summer berries and mangos, is it normal to smell your best friends bed sheets? No? I didn’t think so. Tyrese has been sleeping over at my house for the one and a half weeks in the room that once had been my brothers until he moved out to live with my dad because of the separation. The room already looked masculine so Tyrese didn’t mind sleeping inside it for the time being. I felt the bed dip and heard the sound of something being placed the bed stand beside the bed.

“Comfy?” Tyrese asked, wrapping his right arm around me as he snuggled closer to me.

“Yep,” I replied popping the ‘p’. “Where’s my milk?”

“Here, beside me on the bed stand,”

“Well, can I have it?”


“Because… I want to drink it,” I said in an ‘isn’t-it-obvious?’ tone.

Oh, yeah,” Tyrese replied, taking his right arm off me. I turned to watch him pass me my milk just in case he drank some of it without me knowing, knowing Tyrese, he would actually do it if I wasn’t watching him. As, Tyrese passed it to me, I tried to get up into a seating position without moving the bed so much.

“Lily don’t – great now it’s all over the bed, happy?” Tyrese exclaimed sarcastically.

“Whoops?” I answered; it sounded more like a question than answer. Both of us got out of the bed and he walked towards the cupboard to get out a clean set of bed sheets,

“I’ll sort out the bed, okay?” I nodded quickly as he walked back towards his bed. He began changing his bed sheets, I watched him with lost eyes, thinking about myself, the hopeless girl I had become.

“Earth to Lily,” Tyrese said loudly, waving his hand in my face. He frowned, “I’ve finished, you okay?” he asked, worry obvious in his voice.

“Yeah, I’m okay. Just thinking that’s all,” he nodded as a reply. “Hey is it okay if I sleep in my own bed tonight. I just remember I had to do something.” He looked disappointed as he replied,

“Yeah, that’s fine,” he scratched his neck awkwardly.

“You didn’t let me finished, could I sleep in my own bed tonight… with you?” Now it was my turn to shift awkwardly but to my surprise his face seemed to light up slightly, “I mean if you don’t want to its okay, I don’t mind, really…” I trailed off.

“Yeah, that’s fine. Let’s go?”

“Yeah,” We walked down the corridor, side by side and entered my room. I turned on the light and walked over to my desk. I heard my bed springs creak,

“What are you doing?” Tyrese asked, curiosity clear in his voice, his sudden question made me snap my head in his direction,

“Nothing important, just sleep. I’ll tell you later.” He flopped down on my bed as a response, I turned my attention back towards my desk and two minutes later I heard soft snoring coming from my bed he must have been really tired. I really don’t know why he cares about me so much to lose so much precious sleep over me, I mean really who gives up their sleep because of somebody? I definitely wouldn’t. I got out my diary and ripped 2 pages from it I then took out a pen from my desk organiser and started to write,


This is the second letter to you and I’ve decided that you don’t deserve the ‘dear’ in ‘dear dad’ so I didn’t write it this time. It’s been three weeks and four days since the car crash and thirteen days since I haven’t been to school, yes, I’ve been counting. I did tell you that I wasn’t going to miss one little detail of my ‘new’ sad life. You know what, count yourself lucky that Tyrese has been there for me, giving me comfort and keeping me the happiest I can be. I really have nothing to say to you at this point of time only that I’ve become the hopeless girl I was back in year three. Anyway, it’s really late and I don’t to lose any of my precious sleeping time so… bye.

-L.S (Lily)

I put my pen down, stuffed the letter in my bottom draw and then got up and headed towards the light switch. After I flicked the switch the room went pitch black, I tried my best to not stumble or trip on anything this time and I fortunately did. I slipped into my bed and Tyrese’s arm suddenly grabbed me and pulled him towards him, my body slammed against him and I muffled a scream. I adjusted myself into a more comfortable position and let out a sigh as he slightly loosened his grip. Thank God.

After thinking for what seemed like ten minutes my eyes started to feel heavier and heavier and as I was about to fall into a deep slumber I head Tyrese mummer,



Hey guys so its time for the question of the chapter :)


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