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Hyungwon woke up from his beautiful dreamless sleep by the sound of his doorbell and knocking. He cracked his eyes open for a second before closing them again, turning over underneath the pile of comforters.

The chime and knocking came again and Hyungwon thought that whoever it was would leave him alone if he didn't answer. He mentally cursed at the fact his mind was already awake, which means he wouldn't get much sleep even if the stranger left.

He figured he would still wait it out, the stranger would leave soon enough and his mind would be at ease, then he could go back to sleep.

His door didn't go off after that and he sunk himself deeper into the blankets with a content smile on his face. He got his mind to relax again and once he felt the dizziness of slumber lure him in his phone rang.

Grumbling to himself he wrestled the blankets to cut off the repeating sound.

"Hello?" He made sure to sound extra annoyed, he was planning on sleeping the whole day, he faced the same problem for the past week, he couldn't have gotten any more than a few hours of sleep.

"Why won't you answer your door! Your neighbors are looking at me weird." Hyungwon didn't know how to reply to that in a way other than his own questions.

"Why are you at my house so early in the morning? How did you even know the room number?" Hyungwon's phone was pressed between his cheek and the pillow. He hadn't fully opened his eyes and the only time he saw a light was the illumination from his phone screen.

"Hyungwon it's eight, it's not that early- Huh?" Hyungwon waited for Minhyuk's voice to come back to the phone, he was talking to someone in the hallway. Hyungwon could hear him disagree with something and if he made an effort to pay more attention he could have figured out what the decline was for.

"Hyungwon, you have to open your door. There's this lady that thinks I'm some crazy fan and she threatened to call the cops if you don't."

The thought of leaving him there came to Hyungwon's mind for two reasons. Number one, he thought it would be fun to mess with him. Number two, he really didn't want to get out of his bed. After a drawled out, panic-filled plea, Hyungwon groaned, "Just give her the phone and I'll tell her it's me."

"Hyungwon is that really you?"

"Oh? Mrs. Boo? Yes, it's me Hyungwon. I woke up when he started knocking on my door, he's one of my coworkers don't worry."

"Oh," there was a few words and Hyungwon could almost imagine the exchange. Mrs. Boo would hang her head in an apology and add a bow. Minhyuk would probably be surprised and put his hands out in front of him to straighten her up gently then understandingly dismiss her actions. "Hyungwon do you want me to let him in for you? He's been waiting for a while..." It was very faint but he could hear the sound of keys clanking against each other and he shot up in bed.

"No Mrs. Boo that's not really-" He was cut off by the sound of an ending call and he fell back onto his pillows in exasperation. He eyed his bedroom door, he was hoping Minhyuk would get lost somewhere in the small suite.

He heard the doors below him open and his name being called and he did his best to ignore it but there would only be a matter of time till Minhyuk opened the one to his bedroom. If he got up now he would save the chance of him getting even more annoyed but if he waited till Minhyuk found him he wouldn't have to get out of bed till the blond forced him to.

They were two very compelling options but Hyungwon decided that it would be best if he didn't start the day off with a migraine. Scrambling out of the sheets he threw his door open, making sure Minhyuk could hear the sound of his door slamming shut on his way out.

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