Chapter 3

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I just resently got some time to be uploading so heres the next chapter. I hope you guys ebjoy it. I love my followers and Im glad you guys read my sucky work.

Chapter 3

We all followed him out of the room we were in and followed him into a small looking office with a huge window looking at what I think is the All Spark. 

"You're about to see our crown jewel." Guy 1 says. 

"Carbon dating puts the Cube here around 10,000 BC. The first Seven didn't find it until 1913. They knew it was alien because of the matching hieroglyphics on the Cube as well as NBE One. President Hoover had the dam built around it. Four football fields thick of concrete. A perfect way to hide its energy from being detected by anyone or any alien species on the outside." Guy 2 says. 

"Wait, back up. You said the dam hides the Cube's energy. What kind exactly?" The blonde female that came in with Sam and The Secretary. 

"Good question." Guy 2 answers. 

We all get moved into a small room with wires, cabinets, chairs and shit clustered into it. It all circled a small podium with a glass box on it. We circle the box. 

"Please step inside. They have to lock us in." Guy 2 says. They finally close the door and locks it.  

"Oh, wow. What's that? Freddy Krueger done been up in here or something?" Epps asks rhetorically. 

"Oh, no, man. Freddy Krueger have four blades, man. That's only three. That's Wolverine!" The other black guy says laughing. 

"Right? That's Wolverine!" 

"That's very funny. Anybody have any mechanical devices? Blackberry? Key alarm? Cell phone?" Guy 1 asks us to sing us glasses to wear. 

"I got a phone." I say tossing it to guy 1. 

"Nokias are real nasty. You've got to respect the Japanese. They know the way of the samurai." Guy 1 says as he flips my phone open setting it into the box and closing it and locking it. 

"Nokia's from Finland." The blonde girl says quietly. 

"Yes, but he's. you know, a little strange. He's a little strange." The Secretary says. We put the glasses over our eyes. 

"We're able to take the Cube radiation and funnel it into that box." Guy 1 say while turning the box on and flipping some levers. 

"We're able to take the Cubes radiation and funnel it into that box." Guy 1 says. 

I see a bright light and my phone starts dancing and transforms into a smaller form of the huge robot that we fought. It starts to try to break the box. 

"Mean little sucker, huh?" Guy 1 says.  

"That thing is freaky." The blonde girl says. 

"Kind of like the itty-bitty Energizer Bunny from hell, huh?" It starts to shoot a mini Gattlen gun and a mini Rpg at the box windows. 

"Ah. He's breaking the box." Guy 1 says as he presses a button killing it. 

"That's what the Cube's energy does." Guy 2 says. We hear a huge crash and the lights start to flicker. 

"Gentlemen, they know the Cube is here." The Secretary says. Guy 2 runs over to the coms system and asks. 

"Banachek. What's going on?" "Well, the NBE One hangar has lost power... and the back up generator is just not cutting it." I think Banachek says. 

"WHAT?" Guy 2 yells. 

"Do you have an arms room?" Will asks guy 2. Guy number 2 runs out of the room and yells. 

"Get everyone to the NBE One chamber now!" pointing towards the chamber. 

"The lights are out!" Someone yells. We all run to the chamber. "Move it! Move it!" I hear Will yell. 

"Let's go!" 

"They're popping our generators!" Guy 2 yells. Everyone gets there and we start setting up the weapons and jeeps. 

"Forty millimeter sabot rounds on that table!" Guy 1 yells as I run to the table grab the biggest gun and starts filling it with the rounds. 

"That's good. Get all the ammo you got. Everything you can carry Bring it!" I yell. The lights flicker. Sam and his girl run over to guy number 1 and say. 

"You go to take me to my car. You have to take me to my car. He's goanna know what to do with the Cube." 

"Your car? It's confiscated." Guy 1 told him. 

"Then confiscate it." Sam says. 

"We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing!" 

"You don't know. Maybe you know, but I don't know." 

" You just wanna sit here and wait and see what happens?" 

"I have people's lives at stake here, young man." 

"Take him to his car!" Will demands as he pushes guy1 up against the car. A gun gets pointed at Will and everyone of our teams guns get pointed at someone from S-7. 

"Drop it!" I yelled at the guy who has a gun pointed at Wills face. Bill and Epps start hitting people in the face with guns. 

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! "Guy 2 says. 

"Drop your weapon, soldier." Guy 1 says. 

"There's and alien war going on and you want to shot me?"  

"You know, we didn't ask to be here." 

"I'm ordering you under S-Seven executive jurisdiction." 

"S-Seven doesn't exist." Epps says. 

"Either your going to drop your weapon out of my fiancé's face, or I will kill you we're u stand." 

"Right. And we don't take orders from people that don't exist." 

"I'm going to count to five. Okay." 

"Well, I'm gonna count to three." 

"Simmons?" I hear The Secretary says. 

"Yes, Sir?" 

"I's do what he says. Losing's really not an option for these guys." All right. Okay. Hey, you want to lay the fate of the world on the kid's Camaro? That's cool." With him ending that we all put our weapons down to our sides and we followed Simmons to the hanger where they were experimenting on Sam's car. 

"No, no! Stop! You got to stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! No, no, stop, stop, and stop! Let him go! Let him go!" Sam said as he ran up and got the guys who were using fire extingsurers on his car. 

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, right? Listen to me. The Cube is here and the Decepticons are coming. No, no, don't worry about them. They're okay. Right? They're not gonna hurt you. Just back up a little bit. He's friendly. He's fine. Okay, come on. Put the guns down. They're not gonna hurt you." Sam said as his car got up with his cannons out and ready to fight. His car put his cannons away and Sam said. 

"Here, come with me. I'm gonna take you to the All Spark." Sam and the rest of us ran to the other hanger, which held the allspark. Sam's car went up to the allspark and started to do something with it. 

"Okay, here we go. He doing something. He doing something." Epps said. 

"Whoo" Sam said. 

"Oh my God." Sam's friend said. 

{Message from Starfleet, Captain. Let's get to it.} Sam's car said. 

"He's right. We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hangar. Mission City is twenty two miles away. We're gonna sneak that Cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city." Will said as he jumped out of a Humvee. 

"Good! Right!" Secretary Keller said.

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