It Will Be Okay... Right?

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After cleaning up the mousetraps and changing out of the Mario and Sonic costumes, filming for the games was finished for the day. However, it didn't mean filming as a whole was finished, but it'd resume later in the evening after dinner. When everyone lined up for the dinner buffet, Courtney intentionally stood behind Olivia. They had been together since the end of filming the most recent game and before coming to the dining hall, Courtney comforted Olivia in the bathroom of their cabin to make sure she was okay. She didn't press her friend about what was going on, assuming it wasn't the right moment considering they still had filming to do, and it seemed like Olivia appreciated her lack of vocal curiosity. 

Courtney and Olivia sat with the rest of the squad along with some of the filming crew. As usual, their table was lively because the squad was together, but while she threw in some jokes and stories of her own, she couldn't help but glance over at Olivia every so often. Olivia was putting up a facade, smiling and joking around, but because she could be a convincing actress when needed to me, no one at the table had any suspicions that there was something off about her behavior. Maybe it was the fact she physically felt Olivia shake in her arms just a couple hours before, but Courtney could see the small signs that Olivia wasn't doing okay. The longer Olivia put up the act, the more it concerned Courtney, and it tore her up on the inside that she couldn't do anything... for the moment.

"Courtney? You alright? You suddenly became quiet," Shayne asked, snapping Courtney from her thoughts. She was thinking so much about how Olivia was acting, she wasn't aware of how she was appearing to everyone else.

"Yeah, you don't look so good," Keith commented as well.

"Am I? I think I'm more tired than I thought," Courtney lied while flashing the brightest smile she could muster. She was aware that Olivia was also staring at her from her left, but she ignored her friend's gaze. "I'm going to go get some tea to get caffeinated."

"I'll come with you," Olivia chimed in, surprising Courtney. "I'm going to need some caffeine before we start filming for Seriously Super Stupid Sleepover."

"Even though the show has been going on for over a year, I still forget the entire title," Noah said with a laugh.

"Dude, for real," Keith agreed. "I just end up calling it Stupid Sleepover because it's easier to say and less words."

After getting their laughs out of the way, Courtney made her way to the table where anyone could make their coffee and tea, Olivia trailing right behind her. While she grabbed a styrofoam cup and filled it with hot water, she noticed Olivia taking a step closer from her peripheral vision.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Court," Olivia confessed, well aware of what her behavior has been doing to her friend.

Courtney turned to her and smiled gently, lifting her free hand and giving the shorter girl's shoulder a pat. "No worries, but I hope you'll tell me what's going on later. It looks like you could use a good talk and get all that weight off your shoulders."

Olivia nodded as she filled her own cup with hot water and plucked a green tea bag from an assortment box. "You're right. After we finish filming for the night, I'll tell you what's been on my mind."

"Why have you been keeping it to yourself though? It's not like you to keep it all inside," Courtney asked as she placed her tea bag into her cup at the same time Olivia did with hers.

"I don't want the others to worry nor do I want to delay filming because of personal stuff, you know?" Olivia sighed softly. "I'd feel horrible if I let that happen. Having you worry about me is enough... but I do appreciate nonetheless."

"You know I got you," Courtney smiled and playfully nudged Olivia's side with her elbow, hoping to elicit a smile out of her friend. "I don't like seeing you down like this because it's just not you."

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