It was like yin and yang

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The two boys managed to walk around almost all of the school grounds in the allotted time they had.

Castiel shows Dean the small cafeteria, which seems like a much nicer place when it is empty, and tries to be as helpful as possible by pointing out every classroom and what lessons are taught in them while they pass by.

Dean does not seem particularly interested in any of the rooms or the subjects that come with them, though, not really, but he does change the subject to talk about other things like what food is good in the cafeteria or what teachers were the most lenient with handing in homework or assignments.

He looks genuinely interested in the replies Castiel has to give, regardless of the subject, and whether Dean cared or not, that was a pleasant feeling for him.

He only really spoke to his siblings, Gabriel mostly, since Anna tried to avoid him in the school halls out of embarrassment and Michael and Luci had already graduated.

It was kind of nice, just having someone to talk to about miscellaneous things. He didn't actually have friends to talk to anymore, and sometimes it felt like more people than not tended to only have bad things to say to him, so this was uncharted territory, but still nice nonetheless.

Their conversations do fall into natural silences now and then, but it helped that Dean was quite the talker. He found a multitude of questions to ask to keep the conversation going, which was a relief because Castiel himself was worried he would start lacking things to say. This made the silences few and far between.

Castiel really admired Dean's ability to think of and say almost anything he possibly could to stop things from taking an awkward turn. Castiel tended to not be able to do that. It did not matter if people would actually talk to him or not; he was quiet, and that made conversation difficult.

To Castiel, it was glaringly clear the boy walking around with him was outgoing and liked talking to people. He was somewhat thankful for it, as it made him feel comfortable and pulled him out of his shell.

Judging by what Castiel currently knew of Dean, their personalities seemed to be opposite enough that they somehow fit very well. They complemented each other in the way that Dean kind of picked up the slack where Castiel fell short. They balanced each other out.

It was like yin and yang.

Castiel had never thought those things about anyone before, so he shut that thought process down immediately.

It was bizarre enough to feel such a connection to someone you had just met, but it was downright crazy to compare the two of you to yin and yang, two forces that could not exist without each other, when you had only known each other for a matter of hours.

Plus, he was probably just being nice. Maybe he could tell Castiel had been nervous at first and wanted to soothe his unease. Even Castiel himself had to admit that it was not very hard to notice how closed off he was around new people, or just people in general, really.

Or perhaps Dean felt sorry for him after what Gabriel had said earlier.

Admittedly, Castiel felt somewhat betrayed after being outed like that. He knew it was not malicious by any means and that his brother just had a big mouth, unfortunately, but that had not stopped Castiel from feeling let down by his sibling.

The one person who knew, the one person Castiel trusted to stay quiet with the biggest secret he had ever kept, had just spilled it so carelessly... When he knew that to Castiel, it was the most important thing in his small world that no one ever find out?

It stung, honestly, and when it was happening? The whole thing sent him into a panic and made him clam up. He had felt his heart stop in his chest and the blood drain from his face the moment he understood Gabriel's joke.

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