Chapter One (Sean's POV)

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"Sean! Sean! I saw it!" It's my whiny younger neighbor, Anthony.

"Saw what?" I ask. He seems unusually excited. He looks around cautiously and lowers his voice to a whisper.

"Blue eyes." I widen my eyes. I'm unsure of their color. Only whoever my soulmate is, if I even have one, will know.

"You found the one?" I whisper back, unable to hide my shock. He grins and nods his head.

"I think so! I've seen blue in other places like the sky before, but never in anybody's eyes. Weird how it works like that. I doubt this is the first blue-eyed person I've met, but I've never seen the color in any of their eyes. Does that make sense?"

"Who is it?" I can't hide my curiosity either. My stupid not-my-actual-brother-but-he's-like-one has found his soulmate before me! I need to step up my game!

"A new student in some of my classes. I sit next to him in math, actually!"

I don't take note of the fact that his soulmate is a guy. One advantage of this world's rules is that there isn't any sort of discrimination towards same gender relationships. Our soulmate is predetermined by the universe, so we have no control over who they happen to be.

"He must have been able to see your eyes too. What did he say? What color are they?"

"He looked at me funny but was too shy to mention it. I'm going to be normal and friendly for a while until I bring it up."

"That's a smart plan," I comment. I take a moment to examine him. His shirt stands out to me. I always get butterflies in my stomach when I see this color, the only one that I'm able to see besides the neutral grays, whites, and blacks that everyone does. "Your shirt is dark brown." We both smile.

"That's nice," he says and looks down at it, "It's just gray to me. I wish it were easier to explain colors. I would love for you to picture blue. It's pretty."

"Dark brown is stunning," I whisper, more to myself than to my brother. I've often wondered what my soulmate will look like and be like. But if I get to see this beautiful color every time I look at them, anything will be fine with me.

In this world, human eyes have an odd quirk. We cannot see color. Except for one. That color is the color of our soulmate's eyes. When we came into existence as space materials or something weird like that, it is thought that we were accompanied by another set of materials that eventually became our soulmate. Our goal is to reunite with them.

While I'm not a fan of cheesy romance stuff, I want to meet my soulmate soon. School has allowed many people to meet theirs. So where's mine?

A/n: Hey guys. This story is being imported from a story in my drafts. It is competed in there, so I will most likely update everyday or so. Also, relationships, like friends are all over the place. I know Anthony and Jack most likely have never met, or are not super amazing friends as I made them out to be, so be prepared for this weird/awesome/terrible book I am writing. 

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