loving u

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Tattoo artist and flower shop owner au!

To say that Mingyu was used to it was understatement. Actually he was already expecting it since he know how people could be, especially if you were from South Korea who values old traditions and stuffs. Keeping your body pure and clean was an example.

He could still remember it was back in high school when he first got one. He had to go through the trouble of hiding it from his parents. He was doing a good job until Minseo spilled everything. Curse her and her nosy self. Mingyu's still holding that grudge inside of his heart.

That was the first time that he got a day worth of nagging. Believe him when he says that his eardrums nearly bled.

Then college came.

At first it was just for the heck of it. He thought that having another one would not hurt (actually it did but let's not get to that). But before he even knew it, it was already all over his arms and back and his parents had long gave up on reprimanding him.


He didn't how he lost track of it but one thing was to be sure of.

Kim Mingyu definitely loves tattoo.

That of course came with consequences.

To be honest, it was a common misinterpretation that when one was covered in tattoo that basically meant he was an ex convict. He guess people don't know that tattoo parlors also exist outside the bars. Note he was just being sarcastic. But people's lack of appreciation of arts really do get into his nerves.

So one could say that the guarded looks he gets everyday was a common thing.

Like when a mother would hide her daughter behind her when he was standing beside them on the train. Or when that old woman glared at him and shook her head.

Seriously, people needs to get their information right! Can they like stop being so judgmental?!

Today was no different either.

Mingyu was on his way to his job per usual. It was a sunny morning but he was sure his friend and boss, Seungcheol, would be gloomy again. Probably because he saw his status on Facebook last night. It seems like he and his lover got into a fight again. Their lovers quarrel aside, the looks he was getting didn't escaped his trained eyes.

The boy merely shrugged it off and told himself to be mature. He was already twenty three for fucks sake! Glaring back was so yesterday.

He was so engrossed in his self monologue of being mature that he barely even realized that he was about to bumped into someone until he heard a crash and a curse.

Mingyu rapidly blinked then gasped upon realizing what just happened. "I-I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed before crouching down and helping the person he bumped into. The person was gathering pieces of broken vases and he could feel the deadly aura he was emitting. He didn't even gave him a glance!

When Mingyu's tattooed arm came into the view, the person strangely halted on gathering the pieces. The boy gulped and he knew exactly what was about to happen.


It was all the same!

First he'd shake.

Then he'd not look into his eyes as much as possible because of fear. Then then then! He'd secretly make some mean comments about how dirty it look-


Then he'd scream and call the cops- huh?


"It's Marigold, isn't it?" the person, whose face he had yet to see, said as he pointed at the flower tattoo in his arm. Mingyu had to do a double take to make sure he wasn't dreaming. This was the first!

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