25th of January 2020

24 0 0

Standing in the middle of the field, I shook my Pom Poms around to the music, a routine I'd practiced a 100 times before. But unlike any other times I'd did it, you caught my eye, smiling a cute smile and a wink that I'm sure was aimed at me.
After the game you approached me, "hey" you said in a flirty way. "Wanna hang out some time", "sure" I said smiling, as we exchanged numbers in each other's phones.

As I was getting changed out of my uniform I saw a text come through from you asking if I had left yet and if not did I want to grab a milkshake with you. I smiled thinking about that before quickly replying that I hadn't left and I would love to get a milkshake with you.

You texted back where to meet you and the rest is history cause right now your kissing down my neck in a car park with no one around.

367 Days of the Dreams You Can't ControlWhere stories live. Discover now