4th of February 2020

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As the lyrics played "Get me a drink I get drunk off one sip
just so I can adore you, I want the entire street out of town just so I can be alone with you. Now go when your ready my heads
getting heavy pressed against your arm. I adore you", I looked over at the man I had fallen for and in my head dreamed of a moment singing the song to him and telling how much I love and adore him, how much I care about him and how much I would love to be his girl. I sat sad knowing I could never do that mumbling the words to the song that had recently became my favourite song because of him. I looked up again to see him staring at me, when he realised we both turned away and I smiled a small smirk. When I looked back up again he winked at me and starting singing the lyrics as well. As I started to blush I seen him get up and walk across the room towards me, it was now or never I thought, I have to tell him "I adore you".

Song - Adore by Amy Shark

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