welcome to the club !

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Turning my attentation to the other customer in front of me, I gasped aloud.
"RON!!! " I gasped out before running to hug him. 
"Ello Draco-Loko!" he said back gleefully.
I pulled away from the hug and gave him my death glare.
"It doesn't affect me dray. You of all people should know that!" he said, rolling his eyes at me. I rolled my eyes and pursed my lips at him before turning back to the cashier, asking him for his order.
After Blaise had prepared Luna's drink, I took her drink and walked towards the table she shared with Cho.
"You two make a really cute couple!!" I said while sliding Luna her drink.
They stared at me with wide eyes and mouth agape.
"Thank you !" Luna finally said,  recovering from her initial shock.
"No problem. If you don't mind telling me, how long have you two been together? " I asked, still smiling at them.
"2 years and 3 months although there was a few months where we weren't really together because of all the social pressure and their disgust about two girls getting together and being a couple. " Cho told me quietly.
I stared in shock. How could society be such a big asshole?! They are such a cute couple, who would want to break them apart? just because of their sexuality and gender??
"oh wow...  that must've been a very rough time for both of you... ANYWAYS,  you're safe now and welcome to the club! " I said grinning like a maniac.
They looked at each other before saying "what club? " at the same time, which really freaked me out btw.
"oh basically half of this cafe is owned by homosexuals. so as you can see, I work here, along with Hermione and Blaise who practically also own this cafe because they're my closest friends and I trust them. So Blaise is bisexual and has a boyfriend called Neville and although Hermione is straight and had a boyfriend called Ron, as you can see that redhead there,  I'm as gay as a rainbow too so yepp! " I said in one breath and smiled at them.
They looked at each other and moments later, started giggling before finally calming down and saying "thank you so much for accepting us and all. It isn't common for our relationship to get accepted around  here sadly."
I smiled at them and we both just remained silent for a while before I finally gathered up the courage to ask " can I have your numbers'? if you don't mind I mean. So I can contact both of you and we could arrange a meet up again? I could also introduce you to my friends!! They're SURE to love you!"
They smiled warmly at me and nodded their heads before writing down their numbers on a piece of tissue paper with my pen.
I smiled gratefully and thanked both girls before heading back to the cashier.
"Who are those two girls? " Ron asked whilst nodding his head in their direction .
"they're Cho and Luna. They make a really cute couple, don't they?" I asked dreamily while cleaning the counter.
" yep they look cute together! " he exclaimed before continuing "anyways, I'm off to see Hermione yeah! I'd just be at the back of the kitchen!"
I smiled fondly at how in love they were before turning my attention to Blaise.
"Blaise, is Neville coming to pick you up today?  I need a ride to the crafts store and music store!" I asked him.
" what are you planning to do there though because we can accompany you if you want!" he asked while dusting the shelves.
"nah it's fine. I wouldn't want to ruin date night!" I said while winking at him, making him blush.
"i-it is-isnt a d-da-date night," Blaise said, stumbling over his words.
"yeah sure because date nights are only reserved for Friday's aren't they?" I teased him.
He blushed furiously while trying to cover his face with his hands and mumbled out "shut up" softly.
I grinned before telling him that there wasn't a need for him to accompany me to the store because I was just going to buy some things to revamp the store.
"REVAMP THE STORE???!!" he exclaimed loudly before continuing : "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" he whispered-shouted.
Thinking that he was angry at me for not telling him about changing some things around in the cafe, I immediately started to apologise for not telling him when i was cut off when he whispered " I have soooooo many ideas. This cafe is gonna be the best cafe out there oh my god!!"
I sighed in relief, knowing that my best friend wasn't actually angry at me for not telling him about changing and making the cafe look better.
" I just texted Neville and he said he would pick us up at the carpark opposite at 6 and since the store closes at around 9 you have about 2 hours to shop." Blaise told me and pocketed his phone.
"CAN I COME ALONG!?" Hermione shouted in my ear, giving me a fright and I winced at the how loud she was. "Jesus Hermione okay fine come along but don't you have plans with Ron? I wouldn't want you to miss your date tonight also you knoooooow... " I told her and burst into laughter and how red her face became after I said that.
"it's not funny! and we don't have nay plans for tonight you dummy! he's working overtime at the school. He has papers to grade. And I would NEVER skip dates with Ron for you! I'm only going with you later to the store because I don't want you to overspend! " Hermione said while flicking me on the forehead.
I knew she was joking and went along with it " oh my gosh hermy. im SO HURT! " I exclaimed dramatically whilst putting my hands over my heart.
She grinned and Blaise giggled. These two are my best friends that I would never give away.

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