*Chapter One*

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Ariana's P.O.V.

I groaned as my plane had hit minor turbulence. My phone had already been through enough in the past six months.

It has been a little over two years since I had last stepped foot in my family's house. I had missed my home terribly. Just the smell of my mom's coffee in the morning was enough for me to become homesick.

Two years ago I was discovered. Ever since then I've been touring the world following my dreams. But now it was my time to take a short break to revisit family and friends, back home.

Meeting my family at the airport is going to be was of the most nerve racking moments of my life. Sure I had skyped them, but now was different. Seeing them in person for the first time in two years.

I looked across the plane to see Mariah, my manager strolling over to me. She always made it her main priority to ensure that I was safe. It was nice of her to worry, but sometimes it can go to extremes.

"Your plane landed, your free to go find your family. Don't be so nervous to see them. What's the worst that can happen?", she soothed. I hadn't realized that I had visibly tensed up. But she was right, what is the worst that can happen?

I stood up from the leather chair that I was recently sitting in and grabbed my bags, being careful not to forget one of them.

Once I had everything, I started to walk off the plane. Each step felt like an eternity, until I finally had gotten to the door. I took a deep breath and exited the plane. The door swung open. I looked around confused as to why nobody was standing outside of the plane.

And that's when I saw her. My mom standing there with sparkly posters. Once their eyes found mine, the dropped the posters and ran to me. I was suddenly engulfed in a bear hug consisting of me and my mom. She was my main supporter and by far one of my biggest fans. All of my nerves had suddenly diminish. One person was missing though. I struggled out of their grip and looked around. Where was Michael? I thought he was supposed to be here.

My mom must have read my facial expression because she took a deep breath and stated, "Michael wanted to stay home, he's really excited to see you"

My dad had passed away when I was ten. It was one of the worst times of my life. Losing somebody you love is hard. It didn't help that me and him were extremely close.

My mom guided me to the car and started to fill me in on what has happened in the time I had been away. Michael had dropped out of school, which really aggravated me. I had never really gotten the chance to go to school so I had always encouraged Michael to get a good education. I'll have to talk to him about that.
My dog Paisley was now four. I wasn't able to take her on tour with me.

The car ride seemed to be ages long. We passed different types of restaurants and pubs until we finally pulled up outside of the house that I could recognize anywhere. My house. The shutters were now painted a light gray, and the front door was slightly faded. My mom quickly turned off the car and helped me with my bags.

Each step I took inside the house added more and more suspense as to what the inside would look like. My mom pushed the front door open and gestures for me to step inside. I first had gotten a whiff of oranges. A smell my mom had always made sure to have in the house.

As I walked farther into the house I inspected every piece of it. It was different being away for so long and then coming back home. It felt good knowing that my mom and brother were right in the same house as me.

I shouted Michael's name a few times. When I got no response I went into the living room where Michael would always be when we were kids. He sat on the couch with three other boy sitting around or next to him. They were all focused on the game they were playing. I let out a quiet giggle. Ever since we were kids Michael would play video games. His addiction could sometimes get out of hand.

"I guess old habits never die Michael", I said pretending to be looking at my freshly painted finger nails. His head shot directly up as he dashed straight to me, tripping over a pillow in the process. Be automatically engulfed me in a hug, resting his head on my shoulder in the process. I suddenly had felt something wet come into contact with my shoulder blade. Was he crying. Michael Clifford my brother crying because I was home!

"I'm sorry, I thought mom was lying when she said you were coming home. I missed you so much. Don't ever do that again!", he said while wiping his tears of joy. He looked at me and a look of pure shock covered his face.

"My baby sister looks so old! Are you wearing makeup?", he stated. He always made it his priority to be my father figure.

"Nice to see you to", I sarcastically stated. I had been so absorbed in talking to Michael that I hadn't noticed the three other boys gawking at me. I guess Michael hadn't told them who I was.

"Um hi", I shyly stated to them. The blonde boy fumbled with the video game controller attempting to pause the game, while the other boys had looks of pure shock on their faces.

"Your-how-Ariana", stuttered the boy with curly hair. I laughed while Michael chuckled.

"Um, Luke, Calum, and Michael meet my younger sister Ariana", said Michael.

"Oh and I swear to fucking god if one of you guys touches her in any way I will-", Michael started but was quickly interrupted by a little familiar looking dog dashing down the stairs in a mad attempt to see me. Paisley.

I jogged over to her being careful not to trip and fall in the heels I was wearing. I picked Paisley up and she instantly relaxed into my touch. I had no clue how she remembered me. Her white fur was now cut short and she still had those blue eyes that I remember so well.

I didn't remember much from this house, but I knew that this break would be much better than any tour or concert.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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