Chapter Twelve- The Best News Yet

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I really wanted to get up. Everyone was running around to get everyone to go to Maya's ball. It was her birthday today, and I was stuck here in my bed. After the Moonbeam flower was placed on my legs, it has caused me nothing but pain. I just wanted to get up and be with others. I didn't want to keep anyone else from the activities, but Mother did not want me to be alone. Neither did Father. So Red and Alec agreed to stay outside my door. 

I was at my lowest. I could not fight. I could not stand. I could not do anything that I wanted to do. I could not even do the things I needed to do. I was helpless to all those who wished me harm, and that was many. I was a dangerous woman at one time, but now I was a burden on others. If only I could think of that one thought. 

It was always out of grasp when I thought I had it at last. I know it was something Tason once told me about my powers. What was it? It was like I was holding ice, yet it was in my fiery hand. I might have to ask him about it. If only I could just get it. 

Someone cleared their throat, and I looked up to see him. I couldn't believe that I thought about him and he was just here. Made my job a whole lot easier. 

"Hello Lacondra," the light knight told me. 

"Hello Tason," I said back. 

"How are you feeling? I have not spoken to you in a while." 

"I know that. I was just thinking about something you once told me." 

"What is that, if I may ask?" 

"I don't know. Every time I think I have the words, it just leaves my mind. I cannot figure it out, and I think it might have something to do with my powers. Do you know what it is?" 

"Bets me." 

"Thanks for trying so hard to help." 

"Your welcome. Now I must go. I just wanted to check up on you." 

"Thank you for doing that. Have fun." 

"I will." 

With a smile, he left my room. I was tired, and I decided to  take a little nap until Father or Tam came to give me dinner. I told them that I could wait for them to be down with the party, and to try not to worry about me too much. 

I was having a strange dream. I don't even think it was a dream; it was me remembering what I was told before Iver came busting down the door. 

Curtis was chopping at a dummy and I was also training. I was working on my hand to hand fighting with Tason. It was my weakest spot, but it did come in handy later on in my life. Yet once again, that is another tail to be told. I was doing better, but Tason kept knocking me on my back. I was getting angry at him and had finally came close to winning. He still won though.

"That was close, Lacondra," he told me, helping me to my feet. I blow a strand of red out of my eyes. My hair was up and I had on a dark blue gown with my boots. It was normal clothing and my necklace was on top of my bag and sword. I did in fact put most of my weapons in that bag. I learned that I could call the shack to me as well has my sword. I had many useful tools and I planned to use them to the fullest. Now if only I could do the same with my hands and feet.

 I once again faced him in a fight. I punched and ducked, and he did not get a hold of me this time. I didn't flip him though. Something else kind of happened, and I swear I didn't mean for it to happen! You see he might have never touched me, yet I never touched him. I was getting mad and upset that I could not master this art of fighting. I didn't notice the shadows crawling up my arms and body. I was about to hit him when darkness covered his body, and he fell. Tason cried out in shock has the shadows somehow tied his hands and feet together and they did not lose when he straggled to get out of their hold. He glared up at me and seeing him like that was very funny. I just had to laugh.

 "Lacondra it is not funny!" he yelled at me. "Now call off your shadows."

 "But I didn't do it!" I told him. "I did not call any shadows to me."

 "Sure. Now call them off!"

"I still didn't do it," I mumbled undoing the work of the ropes made by the darkness. He stood and glared at me again.

"You said you didn't do this, but you are the only person in the room who can control shadows. Tell me, what were you thinking about?"

"How good it would feel to see you lose. Why?"

"For that is what I thought. If you think hard about something, then you will get it. It's a stage in your powers that will go away when you get older. Till then you need to learn how to control it! 

That was it! My shadows were the answer to my leg problem! I opened my eyes with a great smile on my face. I did not need any flowers or whatever Kelly and Ky were planning to do to me. i was just going to use something I was used to. 

I called a ball of shadows into my  hand and it came at my will. I played with the beautiful blackness in my hands. I than pulled it over my useless legs like a quilt. It was warmer than most people would think it would be. I enjoyed it. Than in a small whisper I said "Heal." 

I felt a nice tingle. It was warm and I felt the the bone be put back in its proper place. When the tingle was over, I told the darkness it could go back to its place before hand. I looked at my legs and bent them up and down. A huge grin was on my face. I stood up and walked to the door. Red and Alec gasped and let me go downstairs. I walked to the ball room and opened the door. Everyone looked up to see me standing; me the girl who hours before had two broken legs. 

"How- what- how?" Sean gaped on. He couldn't even explain it. I smiled and held up my hand and shadows wrapped around it. Everyone clapped. 

"So that is what I told you," Tason told me. Ty walked up behind me. 

"I am glad you figured it out," he said with a wink. I was shocked at that, as was everyone else. 

"You knew I could heal myself this whole time, didn't you?" I asked. 

"I did." 

"You little baster. I should have you locked in the dungeon for a week for that!" 

"Are you going to?" Ty asked with shock on his face. 

"I'm to glad to at the moment. I just want to enjoy this miracle, than I will deal with you!" 

I left him staring at me with a small smile on his face. I was going to enjoy the rest of the night with my family and friends. It was a reason to do it. 

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