Chapter Sixteen- The Wedding

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"Oh I cannot wait!" Kelly cried as Tam helped her into the white dress she was to wear today. I smiled at her, already in mine. It was a short yellow dress that was almost orange in color. It was a strange thing for me to wear, but I did not mind since it was for Kelly. I was wearing my boots since Mother left to go get matching shoes. I really did not like this, but I would do anything to make Kelly's day go right. 

"You look beautiful," I told her. "Tason is a very lucky man." 

"Thank you my Queen." 

"You do not have to call me that Kelly. Lacondra is fine." 

"I know. I just like making you mad with it! Oh, do you think this day will go fine?" 

"Has long has I can make it. I'm sure it will be. Trust me." 

"Alright. I am ready to go. Are you?" 

I nod and put on the sandals Mother got for me. I took her arm in my own and we walked to the ballroom where the wedding would be held. I knew that Kelly was scared to go into the room, and I gave her a small smile. 

"What if he says no, Lacondra?" she asked her voice full of panic. "What if someone comes and tries to hurt him? I'm not sure I can do this!" 

"Calm down," I told her. 

"But all the guards will not have their weapons! Luke asked them not to. Only Ty can win with his fist, and he is not going to be here! He is not allowed to leave until Queen Elizabeth says he is fully well!" 

To calm her down I showed her the small dagger I had strapped to my shines. She sighed and told me she was just scared. I didn't see why. No one in this castle knew how lonely Kelly was, but we did know she was unhappy at times. Kelly had seen times most men wished to forget, yet she cannot. Marring Tason will make the fairy much happier in her years to come. 

The doors opened and we saw all the men and women who had come to see the two be wed. The priest was standing at the alter with Tason next to him. The knight was wearing a suit which was a rare sight. I do not even know if I had ever seen him in one. It was a black one with yellow trimming on it. The tie he was wearing was the same color as my dress. 

Kelly took everyone's breath away. Her white dress was sleeveless. Her dark wings seemed to shine in the light. Her hair was straight and reached her neck. Her eyes seemed to give a soft light but was not able to let it out. I knew it was a sure sign for them and should help Sean get over this. 

You see, Sean was upset that the Dark Fairy was getting wedded to the Light Knight. Why I will not understand, but he will have to live with it. I think it was perfect. 

I walked Kelly up the ale and stood by her as the man said the words that meant that the two would be together forever.  

"Tason," the priest says to him, "wilt thee have this woman to be thy wedded wife? Wilt thee love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?" 

"I do," Tason said, looking at Kelly. I knew what both were thinking. It was just them; no one else was in the room to stop them. I couldn't help but smile. In Kelly's hands were a bunch of roses. They were a deep shade of purple. 

"Kelly," he said now looking at the woman, "wilt thee have this man to be thy wedded husband? Wilt thee love him, obey him, serve him, love, honour, and keep him, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?" 

"I do," Kelly said. 

"Do you have the rings?" 

Father handed Tason and Kelly each a golden right, and the priest told Tason to place it on her finger. He did. 

"With this ring I wed thee," he told her. She did the same. 

"You may now kiss the bride!" 

Kelly and Tason kissed each other and everyone clapped. I was so proud of her. We all left to go to the ball held for both of them. I saw them cut the cake, and many other wedding type things. 

I was talking to one of my old childhood friends when there was a tap on my shoulder. It was Alec. 

"Hello Lacondra," he said with a wave of the hand. The girl I was speaking to walked away and I was left alone with him. He held out his hand. "May I have this dance?" 

"Of course," I replied not understanding the point of this. Alec was wearing a grey suit that matched his eyes. He walked me to the floor and we started to dance to the song being played. He smiled at me, and I gave it back. 

"I must speak with you later," he whispered in my ear. I looked at him. I was not sure what I meant what he wanted, but when the song was done he walked off. I started to follow when I heard Kelly say she was going to throw the bouquet. I walked over to see who would catch it.  

My dear friend turned around and throw the flowers at the crowd. It flew the air and many tried to grab it. I was only looking at them and when I looked up I saw the purple rose about to hit me. I caught it in my arms without even trying. I got a lot of surprised looks. 

You see the old saying that says that the person who catches the flowers gets to be wed next. Here in Era that is true. Even if you do not want to, that is what happens. I looked at the flowers and walked out of the room. I did not need the others thinking about my future. Who knows how long I have for that to happen? It may be years, and most of the women in the town already have husband. It made sense that I would be next. 

I sat them down in my room and went to wish Kelly and Tason good bye. I did and than I went back to work on finding the Flute of Blessings. 

So we have a few more chapters. I have no idea what will happen now, so we will both see! Not too much to say. All I have is that I failed my flute playing test. Stupid Mrs. Holland only gave us a day to practice and didn't tell me that the test would be today. So I'm pissed. Oh well. Later my Stars! 

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