27- Dinner

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That evening, when Harry returned from work, it was around 6.30 pm which meant he didn't have much time left to get ready before he had to go meet Lucas at 8.

When he got back home, Louis was already there, lying on the sofa, browsing through the TV channels with a blank expression on his face. When he saw Harry walk in, he didn't say a word and focused on the TV instead.

Harry sighed and walked towards the shower. He was tired and fed up, not to mention nervous for tonight and Louis wasn't helping at all.

Harry took a quick shower, using some extra products for his hair to make it more soft and curly than usual.

The next struggle was what to wear. Harry wanted to wear something that looked effortlessly pulled together without seeming that he had tried to hard.

After spending over half an hour pulling outfits out of his cupboard and flinging them on the bed, he decided on a white button down with some black patterns on it, his classic black skinny jeans and a pair of brown suede boots. At the last moment,  he pulled on a tiny scarf and tied it around his neck before stepping out of the room covered in cologne.

"Why are you so dressed up?"

Harry looked over and saw Louis staring at him, with an expression on his face that Harry couldn't exactly pinpoint.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like the button down and the scarf and stuff, you never wore that when Niall, me and you went for dinner."

"Yeah well Louis that was different. Lucas is my ex boyfriend, I cant exactly show up in a tattered Rolling Stones tee shirt now, can I?"

"Yeah whatever " Louis mumbled.

"Bye Louis" Harry said hoping Louis wouldn't ignore him as he had been doing over the past day.

Louis nodded.

Just as Harry was shutting the door, he heard him say softly, "Take care, you idiot."

Harry smiled broadly, his chest suddenly seeming much lighter as he made his way to the diner.


Lucas was already there when he arrived, standing outside anxiously.

He saw Harry and walked over, pretty much tripping over himself in a hurry.

A pang of pain shot through Harry when he saw his familiar brown eyes. 

"Harry.. you're here" he said breathlessly.

"You thought I wouldn't?Unlike some others, I know how to keep my commitments, you know?"

"You've become a lot sassier since I last saw you. It's kinda nice actually"

"When you last saw me?  Do you mean when you shot me that guilty look from behind that guy after I found out you cheated on me?" Harry said sharply.

"Woah Harry, chill out. Let's go in yeah?"

Harry simply nodded and followed Lucas inside.

They sat down in an isolated booth in the corner and ordered their food. A few minutes passed during which there was an awkward silence.

"So? What did you want to explain?" Harry asked, his voice still cold.

"I.. uh. I was just waiting for the wine to arrive before I began but okay, here goes..."

Fortunately for Lucas, the wine arrived just then and he and Harry both took deep sips from their glasses before Lucas began.

"Look Harry, what I did was stupid okay? There's no other way to say it. I loved you and you loved me and everything was perfect but I went ahead and ruined everything because of one drunk mistake."

"Drunk?" Harry asked dubiously.

"Yes Harry,  I was heavily drunk the previous night. Some friends from work took me to the bar the previous night because it was my last day of work before we left for London.. anyway, a few of my colleagues thought it'd be a great idea to get me drunk and set me up with this other guy they met at the bar..."

Harry clenched his jaw but gestured for Lucas to continue.

"Yeah so, um one thing led to another and the next thing I know we were making out and then somehow we were at my apartment and um I don't think you want to know the rest of the details so I'll just uh skip them but yeah I was waking up the next morning with this strange guy in my bed and I swear Harry, my whole life flashed before my eyes. I could only think of you and how you'd feel if you found out. I was so scared but I decided to come clean to you as soon as the guy left but then you came home and saw him and things all went wrong from then onwards."

Harry was shaking his head now, not knowing what to believe.

Lucas was drunk?  That explains what happened. You aren't in full control of your actions when you're drunk, mistakes happen. Maybe he shouldn't hold it against Lucas for so long. He made a mistake and admitted it and even apologised...

Harry was jerked out of his thoughts when Lucas began speaking again..

"I didn't even think you'd give me another chance Harry, I feel so much better now that I've told you everything. It's just that, what we had was so special, it's worth fighting for don't you think?"

Slowly, Harry nodded ever so slightly, biting his lip and Lucas' face lit up.

Later that night, when Harry got home, Louis jumped off the sofa and rushed to the door.

"You're back thank goodness it's 11 pm I was freaking the hell out. So? How was it? Did you get your 'closure' or whatever?"

"We're meeting again tomorrow night."

"You're what!? You're fucking meeting him again?  Is this still about the closure because it sure as hell doesn't seem like it to me."

"I don't know alright Louis? I'm just going to go with the flow and see what happens."

Louis opened his mouth, starting to say something but shut it quickly, marching over to his room and locking the door shut with a click.

Author's Note
Hey! Don't kill me okay?  I promise you this was necessary to happen and things will be alright soon :)
Happy reading xx

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