Chapter 5

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Nico's POV

Was he kidding? No WAY, not in the name of Hades was I picking truth! Knowing Percy, he'd probably ask me who I had a crush on or something like that! Not that he'd think of a better dare, but...


"You sound nervous, Nico." Percy said with his usual playful grin.

"I'm not!"

"Okay, okay! Um..."

Leo got up to whisper something in Percy's ear. Percy nodded and Leo sat back down.

Percy turned back to me. "I dare you go into the Aphrodite cabin."

"The Aphrodite cabin? I have to go in there?!?!?!"


"I'll get you for this, Jackson."

Piper's POV

Nico left and came back about an hour later. My siblings had completely changed the way he looked. But he actually did look okay.

Instead of his usual aviators jacket, black tshirt, black ripped jeans, black sneakers, and messy black hair, Nico was dressed in a shadowy looking leather jacket, a blood-red tshirt, dark washed black jeans, and studded combat boots. His hair was neatly trimmed, the tips dyed the same color as his tshirt. He didn't radiate depression and death as much. It was kind of nice.

Everyone in the room laughed at Nico's new appearance. He was insecure about it, but he looked really good. It was funny!

Nico sat in the circle after the laughing died down (A/N Hehe... Died down... Nico... Funny).

"Percy Jackson, I hate you."

"It's my pleasure and my specialty."

"Percy," Annabeth said. "What did your father say about sassing people?"

Percy sighed.

"'I am the sass master, don't try to rival me, Perseus'" Percy answered. "That's what he said."

"No," Annabeth sighed. "The other thing."

"Oh. That. 'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.'"


(A/N You're never too old for a Bambi reference :D)

"Anyways," Nico had an evil look on his face. "I'm the sass master. Plus it's my turn-"

"Oh, no!" Leo interrupted. "Who shall your next victim be?"

Nico grinned maniacally. "You, Leo Valdez."

The room was silent.

A/N Okay, that's the end if this chapter, thanks for reading, blah blah blah, I don't own any of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians or Heroes of Olympus characters, as you well know, IT'S PRETTY OBVIOUS. Anyway, sorry if the chapter was short or boring. Also apologies if there are any errors, all my chapters are UNEDITED. Please, comment if you have any ideas for truths, dares, or anything you want to happen in the story. Also, if you've read this far in the authors note, vote, if you like my story! THANK YOU PEOPLE OF WATTPADIA!!!!!!

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