Risking Amor: Chapter 2

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     The bell rang, signalling class was finally over. I stood up and gathered my things, Grace and Connor were nice enough to wait for me. Nathan and Tiffany left together without waiting, but I didn't blame them, they were a couple after all. "Off to geometry," Grace sighed. I was almost out the door when I spotted Gregory still getting his things together. He was the only person left in the classroom.

     "One second." I said before I turned around. I walked up to Gregory, who looked at me with suprise. "Hi, Gregory, right?" I asked. He nodded his head. I turned my head towards Grace who was just staring at me. I motioned for her to come over, and she did so slowly and reluctantly.

     Gregory gawked at us with wide eyes, I couldn't tell if he was nervous or just confused. Maybe a little of both. "Can I help you two?" he asked.

     Grace smiled nervously, "No, sorry." she turned to leave but I grabbed her arm, making her stop. She sighed and faced him again. "I mean, do you want to hang out with us, Gregory? You can eat lunch with us today."

     After thinking for a moment, Gregory shook his head, "No thanks." He turned to walk away.

     "Wait," Grace mumbled, making him stop, "why not? I mean we would seriously like you to have lunch with us, it would mean a lot to me." Gregory turned around and stared at her.

     "Why?" You gotta be kidding me. This kid probably had no other plans, but he was still turning us down! "You really want me to eat lunch with you?" he asked.

     I sighed, "Well that's kinda why we're asking you." I was starting to get a little irritated, but I tried my hardest not to let it show. Instead, I took a deep breath and counted to five in my head. "So, what do you say?" I asked after I was calm again.

     Again, he thought for a little while, but this time he nodded. "Yeah, okay." Maybe it was just my imagination, but I thought I was starting to see him smile.

     "Awesome!" Grace beamed, "We usually sit at table four, see you there!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the classroom, for a tiny girl, she had a strong grip, "Why did you do that?! I probably looked like an idiot," she complained while she played with her hair.

     "Sorry, should I not have done that?" I asked. I figured it was something that had to be done. Besides, she definitely was not going to talk to him herself.

     She looked at me for a while before smiling, "Okay, you win. You did the right thing. But do me a favor and warn a girl first, okay?" She tossed her hair behind her shoulder and I watched as it flowed gracefully to her back.

     "Why were you getting so nervous?" I asked, "You're really pretty, it's not like he would turn you down."

     Grace's eyes lightened up, "Stella Brookes, you just made my day!" she exclaimed, a smile running from cheek to cheek. "Helping me with boys, complimenting on my appearance, you know, I think we're going to be awesome friends!"

     "Grace," I smiled, "I think we're kinda already there." We both laughed and turned into the mathroom. I sat down next to Grace in the middle of the room and got out my laptop. Luckily, laptops were required in geometry because all of our notes and homework pages were online. This gave the students an advantage though because with aim, the internet, and itunes, it was easy to not focus in class and get away with it.

ilybaby707: hey is that one weird kid in your math class?

caliDork7864: umm Gregory? No, but he's eating lunch with us haha

xoGraceGurlxox: heheh yeah (:

ilybaby707: No not him... but wtf why?

xoGraceGurlxox: because we r nice people Tiff. gawsh.

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