Twenty One

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My sobs turned to screames, which were soon nonexistant. My throat was sore and it hurt to breathe.

My baby. How could they kill a child? She was so young - so innocent.

I stared in horror at my child. Her head was twisted backwards as her corpse was propped on a stand like a China doll. A small silk dress hugged her body; her once bouncy blonde hair was stained with blood. You could see the stab wounds on her arms and legs.

My child!

"April!" I screamed. "My baby is dead! How could you?! Michael Jordon Collins, get the fuck up here!"

Snickers sounded from behind me and I spun around.

"I told you to do as I told," Mike smiled. "I told you to keep quiet during the car ride, but you didn't listen. It was only a two hour drive. The snap from her ne-"

I shoved him against a wall and glared into his amused eyes.

"You. Hurt. My. Baby."

"You were raped when she was conceived. Must I remind you that?"

In one swift move, the tables turned and it was me who was pinned against a wall.

Damn his stregnth.

He smiled at me before nibbling on my ear.

"Mmmm Ryan," he hummed, "you deserve this. Wanna have fun?"


"Let's play a game. First you need to shower. The bathroom is right-" he opened a door across the hall "-here. Go get ready, and I'll wait here."

I swiftly entered the room and locked the door behind me. I looked into the mirror and stared at what I had become.

This is all my fault. I just have to listen. Do as I'm told. That's the only way. Then nobody will get hurt. Then nobody else's blood will be on my hands.

I stripped out of my clothes and turned the shower knob to its hottest setting. It felt like the heat was cleansing me of what I had caused.

After scrubbing my body, washing, and conditioning my hair, I stepped out of the shower.

A lavender towel hung on a hook. I used it to dry my body; the fabric so soft against my skin. I found a hair dryer and used it for my hair.

After slipping into my clothing, I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush I had found in a bag with my name on it. When I opened the door, Mike stood there frowning.

"Took you long enough," he grumbled.


"Whatever, follow me. James finished breakfast. After that we will have a sit down and talk. Then, we will play our little game. Okay?"


We entered the dining room to find James setting the table. Plates of bacon, eggs, pancakes, and fruit occupied the space of the table. I hungrily sat at a chair and started filling a plate with food. The two boys only stared at me with smiles. James had his genuine smile; Mike had a fake smile with a twitching eye.

We all ate with talk between the guys. I barely spoke the whole time in fear of saying something wrong.

In the end, it payed off. They both ignored me most of the time except for the occasional glance my way. To say the least, I was glad I didn't need to talk.


"What I'm trying to say, Ryan, is that I am going to buy you. You are mine once I pay Michael the money," James smiled.

"Ryan please say something to him. He put a lot of thought and time into coming out here for you," Mike snapped.

"Sorry," I muttered, "but this has to be a joke."

"It's not a joke," they said simultaneously.

I only shook my head and stood up. I paced the room, shaking my head; it couldn't be true. Could it?

Mike started shouting at me, but I didn't stop. The room seemed to spin and gravity somehow seemed stronger.

I fell backwards as my vision clouded. Mike and James were hovering over me. They both wore blank expressions and empty eyes. It was James who was talking but no sound came out. He began to panic, but it only lasted a bit until my eyes fell closed and the darkness consumed me.


His green eyes filled my vision. He was crying.

"Evan, why are you crying? Are you okay?" I questioned.

"I just thought you could see what is right in front of you," he said; more tears escaped from his eyes.

"What? What does that mean?"

"Just open your eyes."

"Tell me what's going on!"

"Open your eyes."



My eyes snapped open and I was greeted with terror. In front of me stood Colin. He was holding a knife to someone's throat. He was demanding an answer from them.

"I-I told you, I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about," the person yelled. It was a boy with dark hair. His clothing was tattered and his face was pale. What stood out to me was his eyes. His green eyes.

"Collin, what the hell are you doing to him?" Colin jumped at the sound of my voice, almost cutting Evan's throat open.

"Ryan? That's you?" Colin marveled. "You look-"

"Don't finish that sentence. What the hell are you doing?"

"Interrogating me for the impossible," Evan sighed. "Trying to murder me."

I sat up from the couch I was lying on and started walking towards the boys.

"Take another step and he dies."

I stopped walking.

"Maybe you can help him answer the question, Ryan. Where will I find the perfect one?"

"The perfect what?"

"The one who can save me from myself. Help me."

"I don't understand... ."

"I want a wife, Ryan," he snapped.

I was taken aback.

He wants a wife? But what woman would want him? A crazy bitch. That's who.

"Look, Colin, if you want a wife you need to start out by being less violent. So to start, why don't you let Evan go?" I coaxed.

"You're not going to help me are you? You only want your precious boyfriend back."

"No, I'm going to help you. You just need to listen to me and do as I tell you. Okay?"

"Fine," he snarled removing the knife from Evan's throat and pushing him towards me. "What else?"

Please don't hate me for what I've done, guys. I know you liked April. But, this is all part of the plotline and you'll see why soon enough.

Hope you enjoyed!!


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