Chapter Two

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The rest of the drive to my house wasn't quite as eventful. Of course the sheriff's warning meant nothing to me and I continued to speed my way into Beacon Hills. I needed gas, so I pulled up to the first station I saw and hopped off my bike.

The whole place was empty except for a black SUV at the other pump and the one worker inside that was surely bored out of their mind at this late a time.

As I started to put the gas pump in my bike I noticed a man get out of the SUV to get gas and his family (or so I assumed it was his family) sitting in the expensive car. The mother was in the front saying something to the girl in the back who honestly looked like she was constipated. The exchange didn't look happy and the girl was sending daggers to the man getting the gas.

I found the whole exchange amusing and watched as my tank filled it self. When the nozzle clicked and my tank was full I headed inside to pay for my gas.

The guy at the counter widened his eyes when I came in. He scrambled to look busy with whatever he was working on and took peaks at me as I made my way to the front.

"For the bike" I said as I tossed a twenty on the counter.

His hair had fell into his eyes and he seemed frustrated as he moved it to the side, his ears grew red but he managed to take the cash off the counter when I told him to keep the change. Coming from a wealthy family had it's benefits and I wasn't worried over the change.

     As I walked back outside, the SUV was leaving the station. I got back on my bike and let the engine purr for a few moments. Today had been long. Dad hadn't wanted me to move back in with mom. He would have tried to keep me with him in Seattle forever if he could. As much as I loved the man, I was glad to have left. He changed when he divorced mom. I don't remember the last time I saw him smile. Still though, I know he cared. At least enough to know that I needed to leave.

     "You need a better environment Katherine, Beacon Hills is quiet. Nothing happens in that town that could put you in harms way."

     What he didn't know was that I was the one seeking the trouble I usually got myself into.

    We said our goodbyes and I was on my 12 hour drive (well it should have been 12 but I managed to cut the trip down to 10) down to Beacon Hills. My stuff was being sent in a few days since I had my bike and the only things on me now where my wallet, phone, and the knife I have shoved in my boot. Along with the genius level iq that my sister and I shared, I decided to pick up self defense. The lessons were tough at first but at least I know I never have to depend on anyone for my safety. Especially a man.

   As I drove off from the gas station and traveled closer to the town I saw a little diner that was still open and decided to stop for a burger before showing up at my mom's. Who knows if that woman ever learned to cook but I wasn't taking any chances. Besides, I remember Lydia telling me that they both went vegan and there is no way I can survive without a good burger every once in a while. Plus this place has curly fries and I might just be in love.

    I took off from the small dinner with the rest of my food in a bag and drove to the rich side of town. It didn't take me long to find the house and soon I was pulling into the driveway.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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