| 1. the introduction |

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dylan's pov

"isn't this so much better than talking to people, banana?" i ask my dog sarcastically as i shove a rice crispie treat into my face hole.

the last time i talked to people my age intentionally, i got beaten up. i'm not about to let that happen to me again..

but yeah... i was bullied at my middle school the whole seventh and eighth grade... i begged and begged my mom to just let me be online schooled, but she made me stay in school until i graduated from middle school.

my dad left us when i was around five and a half... i don't really remember him really well , but according to mom, hes a huge dick, or as she called him, an "over sized cum bubble with no real purpose in the world other than to break the hearts of women all across america".

i was pretty proud of her for saying that; she's not really one to use curse words.

but whatever... i'm getting sidetracked. so yeah. my mom finally agreed to let me do online school. i don't get bullied anymore, and life's actually pretty great... apart from the fact that i have no friends except for my dog and my iphone... oops.

whatever... so yeah... my mom is currently on a business trip, luckily it's only a few towns away, so we're not that far away from each other if we need anything. she said she's gonna try to look for some men while she's there, but i don't know if i want a man in our lives... i mean, the last time my mother was with a man, he left us. just like that... i was five years old then...

 its been nine years... i'm fourteen now. i think it may be because i have no friends, but i kind of dont really like most guys... no i'm not lesbian, it's just... i don't know... the only experiences i've ever had with guys were either being beaten up by one in front of half my school, or being completely abandoned by one... i don't want to get hurt again..

but whatever. enough about my life... 

i wanna get into the good, juicy booty stuff...

where it all began...


okokok guys this is the first chapter

of my restarted book!

sorry i erased it all of a sudden, but it just really

wasn't making sense and it was confusing

with all the people and the same names

from my torn series...

whatever, im starting over.


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