"I'm beginning to think you just love spending time with me."

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Spanish class pasts by like a breeze - I sleep the whole way through.

"Hilary, class is over" Hayley laughs. "Nice nap?"

I stretch, "What did I miss?"

"Everything." Nick says, getting up from his seat. "I honestly still don't get why you're still in school, you've failed so many exams. It's obvious you're going nowhere."

"That's mean," I say, placing a hand over my chest, feigning hurt. "But the feeling is mutual."

Nick tuts, taking my hand and moving it a little to the left. "Your heart is there, Hilary."

I smack his hand away and proceed to gather my things. I follow Hayley and Nick out of the classroom, ignoring Mr Triminham's calls for me to stay behind - he probably just wants to scorn me about sleeping in his class again.

"So Hilary, what exactly were you and Mr. Young doing for so long that it ran over break time?" Hayley nudges me, waggling her eyebrows.

"Calm down, he just decided to remind me of the fact that I might fail this year." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Surprise, surprise." Nick mumbles.

I punch his arm, "But it's okay, he's offered to tutor me."

I see her gawping at me from the corner of my eyes. "Tutor you?!" she cries. "You're going to be spending alone time with the Hot. New. Teacher, and you're only telling me this now!" And as if on cue, all the eyes in the hallway turn to land on me.

"Yes, shout it out so that everyone knows. That's exactly what i what wanted."

"Sorry." She grins sheepishly. We locate a free table in the canteen and take a seat.

"So you're basically going on a date with him?" Nicks asks.

"No, he's tutoring me." I reply, disgusted.

"Oh come on, don't act like you don't want to. He has practically every girl in the school drooling over him."

"Yes, but not me." I get up, "I'm going to go and get some grapes, and when I come back I want to hear nothing more of this."

"Yes, boss." Nick salutes me, Hayley just laughs.

"Can I have an orange Juice and a bag of grapes, please?" I ask the woman as I reach the counter.

"I can get you the orange juice, but I'm sorry we're all out of grapes." She tells me as she reaches for the bottle from the shelf behind her.

"Are you being serious? You know I come here every morning to get orange juice and grapes, why didn't you save me the last one?"

"I know, I know. But you just can't let him down, you know?"

"What?" She nods behind me and I spin around to see Mr Young munching on a grape. My grape.

I march over to him and grab the bag of grapes in his hand, "Hey!" he says, trying to retrieve them from my hand. I put them behind my back. "Give them back."

"Go away."

He looks taken aback for a moment by my childish response, "I'm not joking, Miss Clarke."

"And neither am I, you took my Grapes."

"They don't have your name on it." he tells me.

I pull the bag of grapes out from behind my back and pretend to spit on them, "No, but they do have my spit on them."

"You can't just walk up to people, snatch fruit out of their hands and spit on it, claiming that it's yours!" He says, angrily.

"I just did, so apparently I can."

"i'll be seeing you in my classroom after school for detention then, too."

"I'm beginning to think you just love spending time with me."

"Believe me, that's the last thing I like doing." He says shaking his head. He begins walking towards the exit.

"Jerk!" I call out after him.

"Want one after school tomorrow, too?"

"It's like you enjoy giving me them! Why can't it be money?"

I stomp back to our table and slam the grapes unto the table. I didn't even want them anymore.

"All because of grapes." Nick chuckles.

"I'm starting to think you like spending time with him," Hayley laughs, picking a grape and popping it into her mouth.

"You b*tch!" I hear someone screech from behind me. I turn around to meet the faces of many many glaring girls, and it was at that moment that I realised the whole canteen was silent, and that everyone had most definitely, seen that whole ordeal. "You stole my boyfriend."

I notice that it is one of the members of the cheerleading squad who had spoken up. "Are you retarded? He doesn't even know who you are!"

"Yeah, because you keep hogging all of his attention!"

"Oh shut up, you blonde-haired air head."

Hayley pipes in before the girl can respond, "Just go over to his classroom, give him back his grapes, apologise and he'll probably let you off."

"I don't apologise, Hayley."

"Just go."

"I'll come with you." Nick adds. "I don't like the idea of you spending all your free time with him. He's not your boyfriend."

"And I thank the heavens for that, too." I mutter.


This part has been grammatically moderated - additional criticism is needed and most welcome.

Most of the dialogue, the characters and the plot  remains the same.

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