day 5

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Jungkook POV  ~ I woke up in my room ' wait why I don't remember coming home last night let alone go getting into bed.'
No ones POV ~
Jungkooks hands touched something next to him then he realized Taehyung was laying in his bed right next to him shirtless. Jungkook blushes at the memories that came rushing back and then realized they needed to get up or they'd be late for school. Jungkook woke Taehyung up " Taehyung" he said while shaking him "Taehyung wake up" Jungkook said again but this time he jumped on top of the older male and bounced on him up and down " Hyung ..." Taehyung woke up and placed his hands on Jungkooks waist to keep him from bouncing " Jungkook I suggest you stop bouncing unless you wanna get fucked before school" Taehyung said slyly
Jungkook hopped off and limped his way into the bathroom where Taehyung followed
" what are you doing Taehyung"
Jungkoo said out raged that Taehyung had followed him into the bathroom. " showering with you Baby we can't waste time .. plus I've already seen you t naked" Taehyung said as he hoped in the shower they both showered and got dressed Taehyung put on a button up and tie with Jungkooks old jeans because they were the only ones that fit Jungkook but on a white hoodie and black ripped jeans with fish net stockings under it. What the two boys Haven't noticed was the small purple mark on Jungkooks neck and the claw marks down Taehyung's neck. The two walk to school well one walked and the other limped to school
"Jungkookie .. are you okay?" Taehyung asked trying to hold in his laughter jungkook glared at him and said " yeah just some dumbass put his tiny dick in my small hole but don't worry I'll get better soon it wasn't much to take on ." He said as he speed up his limping. Knowing the older would make him regret the words he spoke. Taehyung grabbed the younger and pinned him up against the near by alley . Jungkook winced in pain as his ass hit the hard wall
" what you said jungkook" taehyung said with a husky voice jungkook gulped and said " nothing.."
mmmh that what I thought" taehyung said smirking at the young boy who was clearly flustered by the words taehyung had spoken. The older pulled the younger in for a sweet innocent kiss and the he gave the younger a piggy back ride to school because he could see he was in pain. It also didn't help that the younger begged so cutely. Taehyung took jungkook allbthe way to class and ignored the buzzing phone in his pocket . The younger and the older male were enjoying their time. What they hadn't counted on was the jealous boy who sat right behind them. In almost every class
The two had the most fun and headed to lunch with their best friends. " yeah so I totally herd someone fucking in the science class room after school" Jimin said while the two sat down. " wait you herd what" jungkook asked as he gulped nervously. " I herd to people fucking in and lets just say the two must have had a daddy kink but like what couple is that horny to fuck in a classroom after class had ended?" Jimin said trying to acto like a detective
" omg i got it was it you and jhope taehyung" he said squealing
"Uhhh no" Taehyung said nonchalantly
"Then why do you have scratch marks down the side of your neck" Jimin said and everyone look at Taehyung's neck jhopes expression turned I to a sad one but he stayed to listen to the explanation
"So I was taking care of my sisters cat fluffy yesterday and when I went to give her a bath she clings onto my neck scratching me" he said in a way to make everyone believe him. " oh then nevermind"
Jimin said inspecting every one when Jungkook saw what he was doing he moved his hand to his hicky.
Taehyung squeezes the boy's thigh and he turns red.
After much taehyung and JHOPE we're walking out of school since they had no real classes left and Jhope wined about Taehyung not responding to his texts yesterday and all of today.
" we were supposed to hang out and you were no where to be found all of yesterday and to day"
Jhope said while trying to look cute and pouting
" I was busy cat sitting" he said in a monotone voice
" what about all of today" jhope questioned
" my phone was dead all day"
He said again in the same monotone voice
Taehyung's phone rang and his face lit up
Jungkookie 💕
He answered and heard sinful moans on the other end of the phone
" ahhh taehyung ...."
"Oh okay I'll be right their Jungkook"
" hurry Tae .."
Taehyung ended the call and told jhop he had to give Jungkook his charger back and left the male dumbfounded

Sorry for not updating  school got me messedup  do this was just a filler type of chapter Lmao djdbdj I changed my whole story 😂😂😂

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