Destiny Finds a New Way

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On the 12th of September 1998 a young girl was born. She was born with the bluest eyes and the softest blonde hair ever. She had a gorgeous heart shaped face that was impossible not to be jealous of. Just by looking into her eyes you where filled with hope that life would be perfect. No one understood where her eye colour and hair colour came from. Both her parents had brown eyes and red hair. Everyone was confused but amazed at the baby girls beauty. Her parents decided to call the baby miracle Destiny. Everyone agreed the name suited the baby girl but no one had any idea how much the name suited her yet.....

Destiny' house was an ugly run down house in the middle of a pig farm. Her parents didn't think the house was good enough for Destiny and they thought she deserved a better life so they decided Destiny would live with her uncle. Her uncle lived in a lovely house with many healthy pets. Such as dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles and fish but no horses. Destiny's room was bigger then her parents house was. She had enough space to keep a horse in there but her uncle wouldn't let her get a horse for some secret reason. Whenever Destiny asked her uncle for a horse or even if she said something about horses to him he would get very nervous and send her to her room for the rest of the day. No one knew why he was like this except him. Her uncle had a place in the house where no one but him was aloud to go. Destiny was always curious of this part of the house. She often saw he uncle go down there but he was always watching to make sure no one followed him. Destiny was always a very curious girl.

Fourteen years went by and Destiny was still a gorgeous girl with the bluest eyes and the softest blonde hair ever but she wasn't really a girl anymore. More of a young lady. Her hair had gorgeous waves all the way down that any girl would die for. Destiny was growing up to be very strong and kind at heart. She had many friends and almost no enemy's. Everyone was still amazed at her beauty. Many guys had asked her out more then once but she said no to all of them because she wasn't ready for a relationship. Her uncle was very proud of who Destiny had become. She was always helping others. She helped her uncle around the house, helped her friends with homework and school work and she still managed to get straight A's at school every term. Destiny was always drawn to animals. She had photos of them, drawings of them and movies of them but the one animal she loved above all others was the horse. Destiny has wanted a horse for as long as she can remember. She cries when she hears of a horse getting hurt.

Destiny was going about her day as she normally would when all of a sudden she saw a little girl curled up on the grass at school. Destiny broke away from all her friends and walked over to the girl. As Destiny got closer she realised the girl was crying and there was a pool of reddish liquid around her. Finally. When Destiny was standing next to the girl Destiny realised it was blood around the girl and there was a lot of it. The girl looked up at Destiny and Destiny saw the blood was coming from the girls eyes. Destiny had a feeling she had seen this girl before but couldn't make out her face well enough to know for sure. Destiny turned and ran to find someone to help but when she got back to where the girl had been the girl had disappeared and so had the blood. All gone as if none of it had ever happened. The teacher asked Destiny if she was sure this is where Destiny had seen the girl. Destiny had a feeling this was the exact spot but she also felt something else. Something strange and forbidden.

Destiny decided that she would try and forget about the little girl and continue with her day like nothing happened but she couldn't get the image of the little girl out of her head. The way she had blood coming out of her eyes, the way she didn't look like she was in pain physically but she was defiantly emotionally broken. There was defiantly something familiar but daunting about the little girl Destiny had seen. Something unforgettable to be exact. Destiny had a feeling she would never forget the girl and that some how Destiny's life had changed forever. She had no idea how right she was.

When Destiny got home her uncle noticed something had changed in Destiny. She wasn't her usual happy self. She didn't want to spend all her time with the animals. She just wanted to lock herself in her room she didn't come out for tea or when one of her friends came over because they had gotten a call from Destiny's uncle. Destiny's uncle was tall with shaggy brown hair that fell over his eyes and reached his nose. His name was Jed.

Jed tried everything to get Destiny out of her room but nothing worked. He tried to go into her room but the door was locked and the windows where closed. Destiny had known her uncle would try and come in and had made it impossible for him to. Destiny couldn't stop seeing the little girl in her head. Wondering if she was real or if Destiny had just been seeing things.

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