The One Who Gave Up

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(Y/N)'s POV

You stumbled into the pub, being drunk beyond your care. Your (h/c) hair was messy and your makeup smudged, still you did not care. You laughed to yourself as you fell through the door and strolled to the bar, taking a seat between two rather large gentlemen. 

You sitting down immediately caught their attention as you called the barmen over and ordered another whiskey. You sighed and tucked your hair behind you ears. Your life was mostly this now, staying drunk enough to forget about that night. That awful night.

Your dignity, your confidence, your pride taken. Thinking back on it only made you want to physically throw up. In the bar, you kept getting flashbacks of their hands on you, you could almost feel it again. So you grabbed your drink and downed it in one.

"Who you with here, darlin'?" A man to your right asked, adding an obnoxious laugh as several of his friends smirked along with him. You shrugged it off. Fuckers you thought and carried on focusing on your empty glass. You sniffed and wiped some dirt off of your hands.

"Hey, I asked you a question," The man stated "I expect an answer," He grabbed your wrist and you immediately threw yourself from the chair and tried to release yourself from his grip.

"Get the fuck off me!" You screamed, gaining a few peoples attention over the lively pub chatter. Panic immediately filled your body and you could feel a familiar burning sensation run through your veins.

 He released your arms and put his hands up in a surrender, laughing. He was a big guy, smelling of beer and sweat. You turned to walk away, your head throbbing you decided to leave, maybe being out like this again wasn't a great idea. 

You were a mutant. A powerful one at that, you could control/emit the elements, fire being your most powerful/favourite, and move anything with your mind. Only downside, you couldn't control it sometimes, a sudden outburst of emotions could cause some serious damage. 

Your mutation was discovered from a night a few weeks ago, which is why you're not great at controlling it. Yet. It was a late night and you were just heading home from a night out with your friends. You were grabbed by about 3-4 men, you didn't really remember how many there were and didn't spend any time to try and remember how many there were. 

They had had their way with you and through all the pain, the fear, your mutation was released, you completely blew up, literally. A huge fire had occurred, caused by you. You had incinerated all of the men, by the time is was too late. At least they were gone, but by god, you would've hunted down each and every one of them.

So here you were, on the piss almost every weekend, a shitty apartment to go back to and a crappy job at a cafe with low pay. You lost all contact with your friends, you stayed alone. In fear of hurting them, or vice versa. 

Walking outside, you're immediately hit with the cool October air. You inhale deeply, closing your eyes and savouring the quiet night. With a heavy sigh you start walking towards your apartment, it wasn't far from here. 

You're almost stopped in your tracks when you here a familiar laugh and the pub door opening. Fuck. You sped up and kept your head down, pulling your hood over. 

"Heeeey! Lookie here boys!" You heard an all too familiar voice, immediately recognising it as the man from the bar. Your breath hitched in your throat but you kept walking. 

"Where d'ya think you're going sweetie?" He cackled, you could sense them following you and they were catching up. You break into a jog and take a shortcut down an alley that you knew would lead directly to your apartment complex. The familiar burning sensation filled your body and coursed through your veins.

You calmed you mind, you didn't need another accident if not needed. Little did you know that they had blocked your escape route as two more guys were at the end of the alley. No, no, no. Not again. Flashbacks and fragments of memories flooded your brain as your eyes welled up.

Your body was burning, you could feel your skin, you knew it'd burn anyone that touched you. Your brain was racing, you couldn't go through it again, why you? Why? Slowly, your hand extended in front of you, towards the two men. The fire was felt throughout your hand, running to your fingertips where you sent a burst of flames towards them. You started to cry more.

The flames hit just in front of the two men and they stumbled back in pure shock, the men behind you stopped instantly. 

"She's one of those freaks!" A man exclaimed. Freak. That word stuck with you.

"D'ya know what some people would pay to have a mutant?" Someone else laughed. This made your stonecold heart break even more, the pit of your stomach threatening to make you puke.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" You screamed, tears freefalling down your face.

 A cackle was heard echoing throughout the alley and all the men ran at you, before you could send more flames, one of them tackled you to the floor. You were both sent to the dirty floor where your face was grazed along the rough concrete. 

You could feel scrapes and grazes start to bleed around your body as the man grabbed your arms and pinned you down.

Oh no. It's happening again. Your body began to fill with heat and in a split second, you felt it again. The unwanted familiarity of the flames engulfing you and everyone around you. You screamed, your whole body in excruciating pain, before collapsing in the flames.

----------- Time skip bought to you by G-Eazy's hair -----------

Charles POV

Me and Hank decided to use Cerebro again to try and find some more mutants. We walked towards the room, making small general chitchat as the program scanned my face and greeted me. Hank went straight to the monitors and started loading it as I placed the helmet over my head.

"Ready?" Hank smiles. I smiled and laughed a little.

"Of course," He started it and I was sent into the familiar world of seeing all the mutants. All the possibilities! I laughed, it was a truly amazing feeling, seeing how many mutants that were out there, some of them not even knowing who they were yet.

Suddenly I saw a mutant on the floor, they looked unconscious. Strange, what were they doing? Maybe we should go and get them. It's not too far. 

"Hank, take down the co-ordinates of this one," I said, still pondering what could have happened.


We drove to their location and discovered an alleyway. 

"They should be down here," I mumble, walking down there and spotting a body on the floor that had been burnt extremely badly, almost to ash. We walked further, seeing a few more bodies until we spotted one that represented a female.

"There she is. She's alive, not too sure about the extent of her injuries though,"I say, walking to her and expecting her. Her clothes were burnt and torn in some places, she was covered in dirt and her face was covered with new, fresh cuts and bruises. 

"What do you think happened here?" Hank asked me, looking around and then looking at the girl. Honestly I had no idea, but we needed to get this girl to safety. 

"I'm not sure, but lets get her in the car, we'll take her back to the house and wait until she wakes up," I reply, taking off my brown leather jacket and placing it over her to cover where her clothes had been torn or burnt. 

To See You Alive (Charles Xavier x Reader) *Smut-Fluff-Angst-Feelios*Where stories live. Discover now