Will It Be The First Date

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Me and Miles are hanging out a lot so I think he likes me but we never been on a date. If he did ask me out of course I will say yes.

Me and Miles are meeting at lunch then he ask me "ummm.....  Do........ You..... Want.... To....... Go........  ummm..... Never mind.

I said to myself "what was he going to say"???? Me and Miles are great friends maybe that something he wanted to say but just can't. I think Miles as feels for me.

If he did I be so happy. If I have my first boyfriend I don't know what I will do. But all I know is that Miles is the best for me.

Everyone seen a TV show  where the girl find the perfect boys in there's one girl who wants to take him away from you and makes it look like he's cheating on you. But all the girls like Miles.

The end of the school day.
I heard Miles whispering and said "I will ask Emily out please say yes" i stand in there in shock I never knew this will ever happen but apparently it did. And I will say yes.

Lunch time. Miles sat down and asks me. This girl named Elizabeth came in interrupt us I was mad he didn't ask me out so she just said" hey Miles so can I sit next to you" I seriously feel like punch her in the face she likes miles in she's going to try to take away from me but that's not going to work I know miles likes me and no one is going to take him away from me I finally get my first boyfriend or I was in then this girl comes interrupt us I knew it in this relationship there was going to be a girl who's going to try to take him. But I'm not going to look that happen so I said to Elizabeth" don't you see were talking here your kinda interrupting us can you please go or can to have to go the wrong way".

Oh honey or Emily or whatever you're name is this is not your territory and he's not yours or is here boyfriend I will back off if he is your boyfriend if not not listening to you. So let me talk for you don't interrupt us so go to nobody table or you used to belong and guess what you always will long at the nobody's yeah the nobody's only have one friend or none and guess what the whole school is my best friend everyone in the school my best friend.

Oh yeah miles can you let me and whatever your name is Emily talk okay sure. So honey Emily let me tell you one thing you're never again miles never cuz the nobody's never have boyfriends and I'll make sure that the nobody's never get one so yeah back off or else I'll make you loaner. I say" Elizabeth just because you're a popular one doesn't mean that the nobody's that are actually people have feelings and I do have feelings about miles and if you think you're going to take him think about that closely cuz you don't know if I am or what I'll do to make you back off". The teacher calls" lunch as over everyone make sure to clean up your trash.

Elizabeth says" Emily this is not over it will never be over" I got man cuz she got the last word but the she really think that I'm going to give up well guess what I'm not I'm not a baby about everything and I get what I want when I want to and if this girl really think the guy that I like is going to take him away from me I'm going to make sure that she doesn't have it I a finger forward to him I don't want to sound like it creep but I really like this guy and I don't want to lose them I bet those girl how like so many boyfriends and she wants the one I want I don't want sound like it creep I don't want miles think I'm a creep about him I don't want miles at think I'm addicted to him my just don't want her to take my from me the first guy that actually has feelings for me and she takes them well that's not going to work her plans for not going to work.

The end of the school day.
Just went I walk in Elizabeth comes to my face and she says" oh honey you still come to school and what happened yesterday and you still come here but guess what I told you its not over".I say" guess what as well Elizabeth this is not over as well I told you I'm not a creep I'm not addicted to miles but I do want him I don't want to sound like 50 shades of grey but you are not taking them. Either way miles doesn't like you even if you talk to him put a hand on him stare at them she's never going to stare at him he's never going to like you I know miles has feeling for me so back off or you will Disappear.  Elizabeth says "Girl you make it sound like you're killer" I say" I'm not a killer but I warning you I'm not going to kill you I'm not going to kidnap you I'm not going to do anything to you and not good to hit you I was I promise nothing to do anything to you but back off"!!

Lunch time I was a little late for lunch so once I came to the cafeteria I saw her I saw Elizabeth with miles miles of smiling miles was enjoying time with her like it's all the time I was with him he never smiled he would never laughed he would never enjoying time with me I guess I guess all this time I been with miles all this time I guessed he liked me all this time I guess I'm back to the nobody's in the nobodys table. all the nobody's get a life they go to the nerds go to the popular so go to the beginners of popular  so I guess Elizabeth one I guess miles never saw the existing I was just invisible I saw he smiled at me I thought he made jokes with me I saw he left at my jokes but I guess not.

To be continued

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